
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Commentators: Who won the Democratic debate?

In a format that was endlessly frustrating, with so many candidates on stage that moderators had to cut them off just when you wanted to hear more, Democrats showed voters that they bring a host of different, well-thought-out ideas for them to choose from.

It was a pity that foreign policy was left out, but in the topics covered, the candidates offered a range of thoughts aimed at repairing the damage inflicted by the Trump administration, from immigration to climate to gun violence, fields where Trump has achieved less than nothing.

To much applause, Mayor Pete Buttigieg declared that no matter what Democrats say, Republicans will brand Democrats as socialists, so Democrats should ignore what Republicans think.

But that is electoral sophistry. Democrats need to choose a nominee who can beat Donald Trump, one who can appeal to moderates and disaffected Republicans.

As Buttigieg himself later said, none of the great ideas by the candidates on the stage will matter if Trump is reelected. Fortunately, for Democrats, and for the country, there are smart, thoughtful people opposing him.

The strongest showings came from Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, with a reliably impressive performance from Buttigieg.

The young mayor is charismatic, articulate, and made resonant moral appeals, most notably his call to Republicans to examine their conscience as they support the current president. Buttigieg has a bright future. He will be a formidable candidate four or eight years from now.

Warren showed she is the standard-bearer and the more effective champion of the ideas that Bernie Sanders introduced in his first run for president. Sanders can take comfort that his views have been embraced by many in the party. But he should now step aside. (Surely, he won’t.) His overflowing, high-decibel style does not help his cause. Warren’s steady, secure performance takes command of the left wing of the too-crowded stage. And yet, I remain skeptical that those ideas can win a general election.

Amy Klobuchar came through as a thoughtful, smart, pragmatic, experienced prospect, with a moral core. “Immigrants don’t diminish America,” she said, “they are America.” She offered a solid proposal for a major infrastructure plan to prevent another crisis like Flint’s poisoned water. And she touted her strong track record of winning elections in the middle of the country, portraying herself as a candidate who can win a general election.

The first night belonged to Warren, Klobuchar and Buttigieg.

Frida Ghitis, a former CNN producer and correspondent, is a world affairs columnist. She is a frequent opinion contributor to CNN and The Washington Post and a columnist for World Politics Review. Follow her on Twitter: @FridaGhitis

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「原稿落とされた」=ネットに書き込み相次ぐ-京アニ放火との関連捜査・京都府警 - 時事通信ニュース

  1. 「原稿落とされた」=ネットに書き込み相次ぐ-京アニ放火との関連捜査・京都府警  時事通信ニュース
  2. 「京アニに裏切られた」「原稿叩き落とす」 昨秋に書き込み集中、京アニ火災関連捜査  ITmedia
  3. ネットに「原稿叩き落とす」 昨秋に書き込み集中、京アニ火災関連捜査  産経ニュース
  4. 「原稿落とされた」ネットに投稿 京アニ放火容疑者か 府警関連捜査 - 毎日新聞  毎日新聞
  5. ネットに「原稿叩き落とす」 昨秋に書き込み集中、京アニ火災関連捜査(2019年7月31日)|BIGLOBEニュース  BIGLOBEニュース
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「原稿落とされた」=ネットに書き込み相次ぐ-京アニ放火との関連捜査・京都府警 - 時事通信ニュース

米政府 日韓に双方が交渉する協定への署名を求める仲介案を提示 - livedoor

  1. 米政府 日韓に双方が交渉する協定への署名を求める仲介案を提示  livedoor
  2. 日韓は「据え置き協定」締結を、対立回避で米が要請=高官 (2019年7月31日) - エキサイトニュース  エキサイトニュース
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米政府 日韓に双方が交渉する協定への署名を求める仲介案を提示 - livedoor

分社化後も社名は「中部電力」 販売「ミライズ」、送配電「パワーグリッド」 - 中日新聞

  1. 分社化後も社名は「中部電力」 販売「ミライズ」、送配電「パワーグリッド」  中日新聞
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分社化後も社名は「中部電力」 販売「ミライズ」、送配電「パワーグリッド」 - 中日新聞

14校の公立校が出場!甲子園に新たな風を吹かせることはできるのか - 高校野球ドットコム

  1. 14校の公立校が出場!甲子園に新たな風を吹かせることはできるのか  高校野球ドットコム
  2. 甲子園練習日程発表 “158キロ右腕”星稜・奥川は3日登場  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
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14校の公立校が出場!甲子園に新たな風を吹かせることはできるのか - 高校野球ドットコム

5 Columbus, Ohio, police officers face discipline in Stormy Daniels strip club arrest

"Chief Tom Quinlan made this decision because these officers violated the Columbus Division of Police rules of conduct," police said in a news release without specifying the violations or naming the officers, all members of the now disbanded vice section.
The officers may face a reprimand, suspension, demotion or termination, the release said. Quinlan will make a recommendation, and the director of public safety will make the final decision based on that.
Stormy Daniels sues Columbus, Ohio, police over arrest at strip club
Police charged Daniels with three misdemeanor counts of illegally touching a patron at the Sirens Gentlemen's Club. She was detained for 12 hours, posted $6,054 bail and was released.
The charges were dropped because the law did not apply to her as she was a guest performer and did not regularly appear at the club, the Columbus city attorney said at the time.
Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, in January filed a suit against several members of the police department, seeking more than $1 million in compensatory damages and more than $1 million in punitive damages and costs and fees associated with the case.
Charges against Stormy Daniels are dismissed after Ohio strip club arrest
The lawsuit alleges that the officers targeted her because they were "avowed supporters" of President Donald Trump and believed Daniels was "damaging President Trump and they thereafter entered into a conspiracy to arrest her during her performance in Columbus in retaliation for the public statements she had made" about Trump.
Daniels is claiming false arrest, malicious prosecution, conspiracy to violate the Fourth and 14th amendments and abuses of process violating Ohio law. An amended complaint in June added the city as a defendant, claiming Columbus violated Daniels' constitutional rights.
The department said it won't give out any more information because of pending litigation and a federal criminal investigation.

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米中貿易協議、進展乏しく わずか5時間で終了 - 日本経済新聞

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  5. 中国譲歩、農産物購入を強調 米に見返り要望 貿易協議が上海で再開  産経ニュース
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米中貿易協議、進展乏しく わずか5時間で終了 - 日本経済新聞

「HiGH&LOW THE WORST」予告、村山が「行くぞてめえら!」“鈴蘭高校”も登場 - ナタリー

  1. 「HiGH&LOW THE WORST」予告、村山が「行くぞてめえら!」“鈴蘭高校”も登場  ナタリー
  2. 山田裕貴が「行くぞ、てめぇら!」と吠える 『HiGH&LOW THE WORST』本予告|Real Sound|リアルサウンド 映画部  リアルサウンド
  3. 志尊淳と山田裕貴が仲間のために激しくぶつかる 映画『HiGH&LOWTHEWORST』本予告映像解禁  ORICON NEWS
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「HiGH&LOW THE WORST」予告、村山が「行くぞてめえら!」“鈴蘭高校”も登場 - ナタリー

2019年になっても3分の1の企業がWindows XPを使い続けているという現実 - GIGAZINE

  1. 2019年になっても3分の1の企業がWindows XPを使い続けているという現実  GIGAZINE
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  3. 海外企業の約3割、いまだネットワーク内にWindows XPマシンが存在  PC Watch
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2019年になっても3分の1の企業がWindows XPを使い続けているという現実 - GIGAZINE

嵐・大野智、「森永ベイク」アカウントにファン誹謗中傷! 「異様」「怖い」と冷めた声|サイゾーウーマン - サイゾーウーマン

嵐・大野智、「森永ベイク」アカウントにファン誹謗中傷! 「異様」「怖い」と冷めた声|サイゾーウーマン  サイゾーウーマン

チョコレート菓子などでおなじみの森永製菓株式会社の公式Twitterに、一部嵐ファンが“誹謗中傷”を書き込み、リプライ(返信)欄が大荒れしているという。きっかけは、Twitter ...

嵐・大野智、「森永ベイク」アカウントにファン誹謗中傷! 「異様」「怖い」と冷めた声|サイゾーウーマン - サイゾーウーマン

高野連に属さないチーム誕生へ、高校野球の問題解消 - 日刊スポーツ

高野連に属さないチーム誕生へ、高校野球の問題解消  日刊スポーツ

熊本に、高野連に属さない高校生チーム誕生の動きがある。スーパーを展開する株式会社「鮮ど市場」がこの8月、18歳以下(U18)、15歳以下(U15)を対象とした野球 ...

高野連に属さないチーム誕生へ、高校野球の問題解消 - 日刊スポーツ

Maori groups are protesting in New Zealand over child removals and use of sacred land

The protests have strained relations between Maori and the Labour coalition government led by Jacinda Ardern, who has been in the remote Pacific territory of Tokelau at a time of rising tension at home.
Hundreds of protesters marched Tuesday in Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, and other cities around the country, according to Reuters.
Taking infants into state care -- known as "uplifting" -- has been making headlines in the country since mid-June when an investigation by local media outlet Newsroom showed authorities attempting to take a seven-day-old baby from its 19-year-old Maori mother while she was still in the maternity ward.
Some have raised concerns that Maori and Pacific Island babies are disproportionately affected by "uplifts" due to institutional racism. Over 15,000 people have signed an open letter online urging the government to "stop stealing Maori children."
New Zealand launches investigation into Maori babies taken into state care
Last year, judges ordered 281 babies to be taken into care and 71% were of Maori or Pacific Island heritage, the government said in a statement.
In New Zealand's most recent census in 2013, 14.9% of the then population of 4.2 million people identified as Maori, while 7.4% identified as of Pacific Island heritage.
Judge Andrew Becroft, the New Zealand Children's Commissioner, announced his office's own inquiry on June 16, citing long-running concerns.
"Consequently we have decided to exercise our specific statutory power under the Children's Commissioner Act to monitor and assess the policies of Oranga Tamariki," tweeted Becroft.
And on June 19, New Zealand's Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier announced a wide-ranging, independent investigation into the Ministry for Children's uplifting process.
The controversy is reminiscent of the "stolen generation" of Aboriginal children in Australia.
How Maori-owned small businesses are reshaping New Zealand
New Zealand has one of the worst rates of child abuse in the developed world. According to Unicef, the children's ministry receives over 150,000 reports of concern relating to the country's 1.1 million children each year.
In 2017, the government created Oranga Tamariki after finding that the system under the former ministry, was "ineffective" and had poor long-term outcomes for children in care.
However, the newly-formed Oranga Tamariki has also come under fire. In March, it announced that in the second half of 2018, there were over 300 instances of neglect, emotional, sexual or physical abuse of children in its care.
Protests over Oranga Tamariki's treatment of Maori children came at the same time as Maoris in Auckland mobilized against a proposed housing project on land they consider to be sacred, Reuters reported.
The disputes put Ardern's government in a tough spot, as Maori votes are important to the prime minister's Labour party, said Bryce Edwards, a political commentator at Wellington's Victoria University, according to the news agency.

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米FRBが利下げ、資産縮小終了も前倒し:識者はこうみる - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

  1. 米FRBが利下げ、資産縮小終了も前倒し:識者はこうみる  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
  2. FRB10年半ぶり利下げ、0.25% 資産縮小も終了  日本経済新聞
  3. ドル円、タカ派寄りのFOMCで急伸するも109円を抜けきれず失速。ユーロは26ヶ月ぶり安値圏へ(8/1朝)  FX羅針盤
  4. 明日のFOMC待ちの雰囲気が強い中でドル円は下げ渋る=NY為替概況  みんなの株式
  5. FOMCが利下げ、パウエル議長は長期緩和サイクルの開始を否定  ブルームバーグ
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米FRBが利下げ、資産縮小終了も前倒し:識者はこうみる - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

Ohio governor delays execution because drug companies won't supply the state

Warren Henness was scheduled to be executed on September 12, DeWine's office said. His new execution date is May 14, giving officials about nine months to come up with a solution.
Prison officials are finding it impossible to locate a supplier of drugs for an execution method to replace a protocol deemed cruel and unusual punishment by a judge, DeWine's office said.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said companies are cutting off drug supplies to the state.
US Magistrate Judge Michael R. Merz ruled in January that the dose of the sedative midazolam used in the state's three-drug protocol would not render Henness sufficiently unconscious to prevent "severe pain and needless suffering."
Merz likened the effects of midazolam to "waterboarding" and said the protocol amounted to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment.
The ruling led DeWine to direct the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction to assess options for execution drugs and examine possible alternative drugs.
The method has to comply with the Eighth Amendment and Ohio law, which requires execution in the form of lethal injection, DeWine's office said.
DeWine plans to talk to House Speaker Larry Householder and Senate President Larry Obhof about whether to pursue legislation that would allow for a different execution, said DeWine's Press Secretary Dan Tierney.
No bill has been proposed so far, Tierney said.
Meanwhile, drugmakers have told the state that if they suspect any of their products are being used in executions, they will stop selling drugs to the state altogether, DeWine's office said.
DeWine said pharmaceutical companies that refuse to supply the state with medications put Ohioans at risk.
"Drugs they need for their health will be put in peril," he said.
There is a "real threat" that whichever drug the state decides to use could result in the maker of the drug "cutting off the state of Ohio," DeWine said.
Henness was convicted of killing 51-year-old Richard Myers in Columbus in 1992.
His reprieve marks the fifth execution delay since the judge's ruling, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

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ビンラディン息子、死亡か アルカイダ指導者 …(写真=ロイター) - 日本経済新聞

ビンラディン息子、死亡か アルカイダ指導者 …(写真=ロイター)  日本経済新聞

【ニューヨーク=西邨紘子】2011年に米軍に殺害された国際テロ組織アルカイダの指導者、故ウサマ・ビンラディン容疑者の息子ハムザ・ビンラディン容疑者が死亡したもようだ ...

ビンラディン息子、死亡か アルカイダ指導者 …(写真=ロイター) - 日本経済新聞

今日の株式見通し=続落、FOMCを消化 米国株安を嫌気 - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

今日の株式見通し=続落、FOMCを消化 米国株安を嫌気  ロイター (Reuters Japan)

きょうの東京株式市場で日経平均株価は続落となりそうだ。米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)は予想通り25ベーシスポイントの利下げが決定されたが、パウエル米連邦準備 ...

今日の株式見通し=続落、FOMCを消化 米国株安を嫌気 - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

Amazonのあの駄作を振り返る。Fire Phoneは記憶よりもさらに駄作だった (2019年7月31日) - エキサイトニュース - エキサイトニュース

  1. Amazonのあの駄作を振り返る。Fire Phoneは記憶よりもさらに駄作だった (2019年7月31日) - エキサイトニュース  エキサイトニュース
  2. Amazonのあの駄作を振り返る。Fire Phoneは記憶よりもさらに駄作だった  GIZMODO JAPAN
  3. Amazonのあの駄作を振り返る。Fire Phoneは記憶よりもさらに駄作だった(2019年7月31日)|BIGLOBEニュース  BIGLOBEニュース
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Amazonのあの駄作を振り返る。Fire Phoneは記憶よりもさらに駄作だった (2019年7月31日) - エキサイトニュース - エキサイトニュース

Democrats need to start paying attention to Flint, Michigan, again

Marianne Williamson had a breakout moment at the first night of the Democratic debates Tuesday when she called the neglect of Flint and cities like it the "dark underbelly of society." She said Democrats will lose the election if they don't come up with a way to address decay, particularly in communities of color.
It's impossible to talk about places like Flint now without also pointing out Trump's characterization of Baltimore, another mostly black city with infrastructure problems, as "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" where no one would want to live.
Trump was lashing out at his political opponents and immediately drew accusations of racism. But Democrats would be remiss if they did not use the opportunity to address the fact that some cities and communities have been helped to do better than others. The entire debate in the party about how to address inequality by more effectively using the government will focus on communities like Flint.
Flint is a majority African American city where institutional inequality for communities of color runs into the nation's failing infrastructure and tells the story of a country where some communities have flourished and others have been left behind.
President Barack Obama signed a measure into law that specifically sought to deal with the Flint crisis and President Donald Trump used that authority to pledge $100 million for infrastructure there. But five years after the water turned brown, people in the city still say their water isn't always clear.
CNN's Drew Kann and Jeremy Moorhead found residents idling their cars in a miles-long line for donated bottled water at a church because the state no longer provides it. You should read and watch their report.
CNN's research library has maintained a years-long timeline of what's been going on in the city. Some of the latest developments include dropped charges against state officials so that a new investigation can take place.
Democrats running for president say they'll finally deal with the crisis.
Flint Mayor Karen Weaver attends the debate Wednesday as the guest of former Vice President Joe Biden. Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro of Texas, who said he was the first candidate to visit Flint, invited a pastor and environmental activist from the city.
Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, who proudly lives in inner-city Newark and has made representing urban minority communities a main platform of his campaign, has visited too.
On the first night of the CNN debate, both Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke of Texas mentioned their visits to the city.
Klobuchar promised to put $1 trillion into infrastructure spending and address issues like Flint's water.
But it was Williamson, the author and spiritual adviser, who had the debate crowd cheering when she warned that "wonkiness" won't solve the water crisis. Unless Democrats turn toward communities like Flint and others, she argued, voters of color and those from marginalized communities will not show up at the ballot box.
"We have communities, particularly communities of color and disadvantaged communities all over this country, who are suffering from environmental injustice," said Williamson, who argued that she used to live in the wealthy suburb of Grosse Pointe and said -- to cheers -- that there would be no water issues there.
"This is part of the dark underbelly of society," she said. "The racism, the bigotry, the entire conversation we are having here tonight."
"It's bigger than Flint," Williamson said. "It's all over this country. It's particularly people of color. It's particularly people who do not have the money to fight back, and if the Democrats don't start saying it, then why would those people think that they're there for us, and if those people don't feel like they won't for us then Donald Trump will win."

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ハミルトンの50秒ストップをチームが説明 - ESPN F1

  1. ハミルトンの50秒ストップをチームが説明  ESPN F1
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ハミルトンの50秒ストップをチームが説明 - ESPN F1

アメリカ旅、チップどうする 1ドル「三つ折り」の技も - 朝日新聞

アメリカ旅、チップどうする 1ドル「三つ折り」の技も  朝日新聞

テーマパーク、ショッピング、スポーツ、アート、カジノ、美食に音楽、ショーなど、あらゆる娯楽の超大国アメリカ。ニューヨーク、カリフォルニア、ハワイなど人気の旅行先が ...

アメリカ旅、チップどうする 1ドル「三つ折り」の技も - 朝日新聞

Thieves stole $9 from a girl's lemonade stand for charity. Police and neighbors rallied to give her more than $300

She was selling refreshments to benefit Feeding America, a national network of food banks.
But after she took in nine bucks, a group of teenagers grabbed the money basket and drove off with it. She was devastated.
That's when her father posted on the neighborhood social media platform Nextdoor, explaining how sad his daughter was and asking what he should do about the theft.

Neighbors come to help

Ben Hutchison was one of the neighbors who read the post. A former journalist, Hutchison said that the story struck him. "When I was a reporter, I often saw people in bad times, and I couldn't help them." This time, he thought he could step in.
And despite the theft, Alizay and her sister, Emaan, still wanted to use a lemonade stand to raise money for the food bank. "They had a quiet area, not very visible," Hutchison said. "So I offered them my busy street corner."
A cop showed up to keep watch over the stand this time, telling them, "I think I might have a few friends coming."
Then, a parade of police cars drove up with their lights on and sirens blaring. "The police took it to the next level," Hutchison said.
Local officers helped collect about $170 to support the charitable enterprise. Along with lemonade sales and some donations on Facebook, the sisters received nearly $350, CNN affiliate WGN reported.
"The parents wanted to teach their kids a lesson about perseverance," Hutchison said. It worked; the girl's passion helped bring a neighborhood closer together.
Meanwhile, Hutchison said he's glad he left TV news to spend more time with his own family in Naperville, where he himself grew up.
"This reinforced the same sense of the community that I felt when I was growing up here," he said.

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China is blaming the US for the Hong Kong protests. Can that really be true?

"As you all know, they are somehow the work of the US," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a press conference in Beijing.
Hua added that China would "never allow any foreign forces" to interfere in the semi-autonomous city, and warned that "those who play (with) fire will only get themselves burned."
The comments are one of the most direct accusations Beijing has so far made of US interference in Hong Kong politics, and follow months of speculation inside China that Western forces have had a hand in the movement.
Protesters have been seen waving American flags at some of the demonstrations.
Protesters hold up umbrellas and American flags in the face of advancing riot police in the district of Yuen Long on July 27.
Chinese state media has run multiple editorials blaming the US for the chaos. The state-run tabloid Global Times alleged Monday that there had been "unprecedented levels of contact" between Hong Kong pro-democracy leaders and Western governments.
"It is an open secret in Hong Kong that the forces protesting the extradition bill have been sponsored by the US," the paper said.
North Korea has also leveled such claims at the US. In an editorial on Friday, state-run media Rodong Sinmun claimed the protests were the "outcome of a plot hatched by the US and other Western countries."
However, neither country has provided any evidence for its allegations. At the press conference, Hua only made reference to public meetings between well-known Hong Kong pro-democracy leaders and US politicians.
In a statement to CNN, the US State Department initially called Beijing's claims a "ridiculous statement."
"It is not credible to think that millions of people are being manipulated to stand for a free and open society," the statement said.
However, the department spokesperson later revised the statement to take a more diplomatic stance. "We categorically reject the charge of foreign forces as being behind the protests," the updated statement said.
Pro-democracy protesters, including one carrying a shield from the "Captain America" comic book series stand their ground during protests in Hong Kong on October 4, 2014.

'The US black hand'

Hong Kong's summer of discontent was initially sparked by a controversial bill that would have allowed extradition to mainland China.
While Hong Kong is part of China, it is governed under a separate political system that allows for greater freedom of speech and rule of law. Protesters were concerned the extradition bill would undermine the city's special freedoms.
That bill has since been suspended, but mass protests have continued and broadened in scope with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets over a range of issues, according to police and demonstrators, including greater democracy for Hong Kong, the resignation of the city's leader, Chief Executive Carrie Lam, and an inquiry into police brutality.
The demonstrations have grown more frequent and violent. In two back-to-back protests last weekend, police attempted to clear large crowds with rubber bullets and tear gas, while protesters pushed a flaming cart at police.
Bonnie Glaser, director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said there was a "long-standing tradition" of Beijing blaming external forces during domestic demonstrations or unrest.
"Chinese officials have been telling US officials that they know the US black hand is behind the protests," she said.
After the pro-democracy Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, Beijing accused the US of encouraging the unrest.
"It's pretty typical of how the Chinese describe outside interference, but it's also convenient as it supports a narrative about the evil West trying to undermine China's national rejuvenation," Glaser said.

Little evidence

There is no evidence of US involvement in the Hong Kong protests. However Washington has been linked to other countries' politics in the past.
Declassified documents in 2011 revealed that the 1953 overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh was "carried out under CIA direction as an act of US foreign policy."
Decades later, in 2018, US officials met in secret with Venezuelan military officers plotting a coup against President Nicolas Maduro, but Washington ultimately decided against supporting their cause, a current and a former US official told CNN.
Hua noted Tuesday that top Trump administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence, had meetings with "opposition personnel" in July.
Both men publicly met Hong Kong pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai.
It isn't clear, however, whether Beijing genuinely believes the US -- and the West more broadly -- is behind the protests, or if the claim is propaganda.
"It is a lot easier to tell the outside world (that the US is interfering) than it is to admit the Chinese might have some serious problems in their relationship with Hong Kong and with how the people of Hong Kong view the mainland," Glaser said.

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GOP senator introduces bill to combat 'social media addiction'

The Social Media Addiction Reduction Technology Act -- or the SMART Act -- would ban practices frequently employed by top social networking sites to keep users engaged, like YouTube's "autoplay" feature or Snapchat's "snapstreaks." The bill comes as tech giants face mounting scrutiny in Washington over their handling of disinformation, hate speech and user data.
Hawley's bill would give social media companies three months to eliminate what it deems "practices that exploit human psychology or brain physiology" -- autoplay, self-populating feeds and virtual awards linked to constant engagement with the platform. It would also require companies to roll out features that would allow users to set limits on the time they spend in the site or application with notifications showing how much time a user has logged every day.
The bill would also give the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Trade Commission the authority to introduce new rules that could address "unfair or deceptive" practices a social network may introduce in the future.
"Big tech has embraced a business model of addiction. Too much of the 'innovation' in this space is designed not to create better products, but to capture more attention by using psychological tricks that make it difficult to look away," the Missouri Republican said in a news release on Tuesday. "This legislation will put an end to that and encourage true innovation by tech companies."
Hawley's newest legislation comes as lawmakers have grown increasingly alarmed that large tech platforms could be having an outsized influence on politics, privacy and the wider economy. The measure joins a string of bills introduced by Hawley in recent months that target Silicon Valley in recent months.
One recent proposal seeks to make the federal government the arbiter of whether tech companies have treated user content equally and without partisan bias. A negative finding by regulators could expose a platform to legal liability, under the proposal.
Last week, the FTC announced a massive settlement with Facebook concluding the agency's investigation into the social network's privacy missteps. The $5 billion fine imposed on Facebook is the largest in FTC history, and it requires the company to make various changes to its board structure in an effort to enhance corporate accountability. But critics say the FTC's settlement was too light on Facebook considering the circumstances; regulators did not depose CEO Mark Zuckerberg or COO Sheryl Sandberg, and neither executive was held personally liable in the agency's formal complaint.
Meanwhile the Justice Department has announced a wide-ranging antitrust review into the tech industry. Officials said last week they were interested in Silicon Valley's power in online retail and social networking, among other areas. The House Judiciary Committee's antitrust panel is in the midst of a similar probe, and has sharply questioned tech execs over their business practices.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

フェルスタッペン、シーズン2勝目も「優勢なメルセデスとの差を縮めるためにも、まだやるべきことは多い」 - オートスポーツweb

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東証寄り付き 反落、米株安を嫌気 アンリツが大幅高 - 日本経済新聞

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Coke and Pepsi abandon the plastics lobby

Both soft drink companies are trying to increase the amount of recycled plastic they use in bottles. They want to improve recycling infrastructure and ensure their packages are recyclable.
But the Plastics Industry Association has encouraged states to make plastic bans illegal. Participation in the group could tarnish Coca-Cola and Pepsi's images as companies working to find solutions to plastic pollution.
The association took positions that "were not fully consistent with our commitments and goals," Coca-Cola said in a statement last week, noting that it withdrew from the group earlier this year. Pepsi said it had joined the association to learn about innovation as it works to "achieve a circular economy for plastics."
"We do not participate in the policy advocacy work of the association or its subsidiaries, and our membership will conclude at the end of this year," Pepsi said.
Coke and Pepsi "made the wrong choice" by being a part of the lobbying organization, said Dianna Cohen, CEO of the nonprofit Plastic Pollution Coalition. The optics of membership, she added, "are really bad."
Plastic pollution is a major problem.
Cutting ties with the Plastic Industry Association is a sign that "companies understand that they cannot publicly say they want to end plastic pollution, while financially supporting an association that lobbies for our continued reliance on throwaway plastics," said Greenpeace USA Oceans Campaign Director John Hocevar in a statement.
The move may help reassure some customers. But as people grow more worried about the negative impacts of plastic pollution on the environment as well as on animal and human health, companies like Pepsi and Coke will have to go even further to find a solution.

Tackling plastic pollution

Coca-Cola (KO) produced 3.3 million tons of plastic in 2017, it disclosed in recent report by the Ellen MacArthur foundation. PepsiCo (PEP) did not disclose how much plastic it sells.
Both companies are trying to figure out ways to reduce their use of virgin plastics and increase recycling. They're also exploring alternatives to plastics, like aluminum, that are easier to recycle.
PepsiCo announced recently that its Aquafina-brand water will be sold in aluminum cans at US fast food and restaurant chains as soon as next year. The company is testing out a broader rollout to retail stores.
Coca-Cola promised to help fix recycling. Here's how it plans to deliver
"Tackling plastic waste is one of my top priorities and I take this challenge personally," PepsiCo CEO Ramon Laguarta said at the time. "We are doing our part to address the issue head on by reducing, recycling and reinventing our packaging." Pepsi has committed to using only recyclable, compostable or biodegradable packaging by 2025, and it's pledged to make new plastic bottles using 25% recycled material.
Plus, Coca-Cola last year launched a World Without Waste initiative that encompasses its recycling goals, which include collecting and recycling the equivalent of every bottle or can it sells by 2030. The company has also committed to making its bottles and cans out of at least 50% recycled material in the next 11 years.
Still, sticking to those goals will likely be difficult, especially because recycling is struggling. Organizations like the World Wildlife Fund are helping companies try to achieve them.
The companies are also exploring refill stations that eliminate single-use packaging altogether.
Pepsi is selling a high-tech water cooler that lets customers fill up their own bottles with flavored or unflavored, still or carbonated water in varying temperatures. Coca-Cola has launched a similar product for Dasani on college campuses.

Leaving the lobby

Those initiatives made membership in the plastics trade group problematic, at least from a PR standpoint. The Plastics Industry Association is not only a lobbying group. Some of its initiatives, like helping recycling, may overlap with those of Coke and Pepsi.
"Our members work together to align their efforts to put recycling and sustainability at the forefront of their businesses," said Patty Long, interim president and CEO of the Plastics Industry Association, in a statement.
Activists started pressuring Coke, Pepsi, and other companies to leave the group last year.
The shareholder activist group As You Sow and Walden Asset Management called attention last year to corporate involvement with the Plastic Industry Association, and wrote letters to the CEOs of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, among others.
Amazon's incredible, vanishing cardboard box
This year, Greenpeace also drew a line between the Plastic Industry Association and anti-plastic ban laws.
The plastics association said Greenpeace is responsible for companies' withdrawal from the group.
"We are aware that several prominent brands that are members of the association have been targeted by a persistent Greenpeace activist campaign to pressure them to leave our association," Long said, calling the efforts "unfortunate."
— CNN Business' Jackie Wattles contributed to this report.

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New indictments issued for man at center of North Carolina election fraud probe

Leslie McCrae Dowless, a political operative in Bladen County who was connected to questionable absentee ballot activity, was indicted by a Wake County grand jury on two counts of felony obstruction of justice, perjury, solicitation to commit perjury, conspiracy to obstruct justice and possession of absentee ballot, according to a press release from the court. Dowless worked for Republican candidate Mark Harris, a Baptist minister who tallied 905 more votes than Democratic businessman and retired Marine Dan McCready in the election.
This marks the second set of indictments against Dowless arising from the investigation.
According to Tuesday's indictment, Dowless "willfully, and feloniously did, with deceit and intent to defraud, obstruct public and legal justice by submitting or causing to be submitted by mail absentee ballots and container-return envelopes for those ballots to the Bladen County Board of Elections in such a manner so as to make it appear that those ballots had been voted and executed in compliance with the provisions of Article 21 of the North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 163A pertaining to absentee ballots when they in fact had not been so executed."
The indictment says Dowless "directed individuals to collect absentee ballots from voters, at times instructed individuals to sign certifications indicating they had witnessed the voter vote and properly execute the absentee ballot when they had not, and mailed or instructed others to mail the absentee ballot in such a manner to conceal the fact that the voter had not personally mailed it himself."
CNN has reached out to Dowless' attorney for comment.
Dowless has previously denied any wrongdoing to The Charlotte Observer. After the first set of indictments against him, Dowless' attorney, Cynthia Adams Singletary, said, "Do I think he's guilty of that? No. There's always the possibility of some kind of charges. I've been practicing for 32 years and had lots of innocent clients charged with things I didn't think they were guilty of."
Dowless' actions resulted in the local Board of Elections counting spoiled ballots, according to the indictment. The irregularities in absentee ballot activity prompted a chaotic scene: The North Carolina State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement twice refused to certify Harris as the winner, leaving North Carolina the only state without settled election results. A special election to fill the seat will take place in September.
The Wake County grand jury also handed down indictments to others who are alleged to have conspired with Dowless: Lisa Britt, Ginger Eason, Woody Hester, James Singletary, Jessica Dowless and Kelly Hendrix. The court said it expected the defendants to turn themselves in over the next few days.
Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections, said in a statement that Tuesday's indictments were the result of "an extensive investigation."
"The absentee ballot fraud that occurred in the 9th Congressional District effectively disenfranchised voters in that district," she said. "North Carolina voters should be confident that state officials will continue to be vigilant and pursue any individuals or organizations that attempt to undermine our elections. Democracy is best served by holding those who attempt to thwart it accountable."
The Wake County grand jury's news release says the district attorney and State Bureau of Investigations will continue to work with investigators from the North Carolina State Board of Elections and federal authorities.

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英首相、10月末に「是が非でも」離脱と再表明 ポンド急落 - ロイター (Reuters Japan)

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iOSの脆弱性悪用した攻撃、最新iOS12.4でも一部未対応か - iPhone Mania

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Health care explained: Medicare for All vs public option vs the ACA

Many Americans say they are satisfied with their health care coverage, but it's pretty pricey. And the US is the only wealthy developed nation not to guarantee health care to all. Roughly one in 10 Americans is uninsured, but many more struggle to pay their medical bills.
Here's a guide to what the debate is all about:
Medicare for All: This proposal, spearheaded by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, would radically change the way Americans are covered, shifting control to the federal government and essentially eliminating the private insurance industry.
Under Sanders' plan, Americans would be enrolled in a national health insurance program, also known as a "single-payer" system, which many other developed countries have. The federal government would run the program, and it -- and taxpayers -- would pay the bills.
Medically necessary services would be covered and there would be no premiums, deductibles or co-pays. It would expand the current Medicare benefit package to include vision, dental, hearing and long-term care at home or in the community. Nursing home and other institutional services would be covered under Medicaid.
Private insurers aren't banned, but they can't sell policies that cover benefits provided by the federal plan. That leaves them with a very niche market -- covering elective services, such as cosmetic surgery.
Public option: More moderate candidates are pushing for a so-called public option, which is a government-backed insurance plan.
While a public option can take several forms, several contenders would add such a plan to the Affordable Care Act exchanges.
Theoretically, the public option should be more affordable for consumers because the government could use its heft to negotiate lower rates with doctors and hospitals and to reduce costs. How effective it would be depends on how it's set up, and most candidates haven't delved into the nitty gritty details.
Some seeking the nomination see a public option as an initial step towards a Medicare for All-type overhaul. But others say the best way to extend coverage to more Americans is to offer a public plan and also increase federal subsidies for Affordable Care Act policies.
Affordable Care Act: This is Obamacare, and it affects all Americans' health care today. Passed in 2010, the landmark law made sweeping changes to the nation's health care system. Some of its more notable provisions included creating the individual insurance market exchanges and expanding Medicaid to more lower-income Americans, both of which began in 2014.
Some 11.4 million people signed up for 2019 policies on the exchanges, and 12.7 million folks are covered by Medicaid expansion.
The law allowed children to stay on their parents' policies until the age of 26. And it barred insurers from denying coverage or charging higher rates to consumers based pre-existing protections. Insurers must also provide comprehensive benefits, including prescription drugs, maternity and mental health.
Employer-sponsored insurance: Roughly half of Americans -- or more than 150 million people -- get their health insurance through their jobs today.
Three-quarters of the public have favorable views of work-based coverage, according to a new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Of those with such plans, 86% rate their coverage as either "excellent" or "good."
But these policies have become much more expensive in recent years. Annual premiums for a family plan cost almost $20,000, on average, last year, with workers contributing about $5,550 and employers paying the rest, according to another Kaiser survey.
Since 2008, average family premiums have increased 55%, twice as fast as workers' earnings and three times as fast as inflation, according to Kaiser.
Deductibles have also risen swiftly, contributing to the financial pinch many Americans feel when they need medical care. The average deductible for an individual is now nearly $1,575 for those workers who have one, up from $735 in 2008, Kaiser found.
Medicare: Created in 1965, this federal program provides health insurance for roughly 60 million elderly and disabled Americans. It covers hospitalization, rehabilitation and doctors' visits, but not vision, hearing, dental and long-term care.
Medicare enrollees pay premiums, have deductibles and typically pay 20% of many medical services. There is also no out-of-pocket spending limit for hospitalization or outpatient services, unlike Affordable Care Act and employer plans. About three in 10 enrollees buy supplemental Medigap plans from insurers to help defray the cost of care, while roughly the same number are covered by retiree health plans from their employers.
Starting in 2006, Medicare began offering prescription drug coverage -- known as Part D -- through private insurers that contract with the government.
About one-third of Medicare participants are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans offered by private insurers. Some have to pay premiums, and most, if not all, have to share the cost of medical care. These policies are required to limit enrollees' out-of-pocket spending to $6,700 and may provide supplemental benefits, such as vision and dental. However, not all doctors and hospitals accept Medicare Advantage plans, while most do accept traditional Medicare.
Some candidates also favor a so-called Medicare buy-in plan, which would allow those younger than 65 to purchase Medicare or Medicare Advantage policies.

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Cameron Boyce's death was 'sudden' and 'unexpected,' coroner says

It is the office's final determination in the actor's death. This report is in line with the preliminary findings of an autopsy performed earlier this month, which determined the 20-year-old actor died of natural causes.
Boyce was found unresponsive at his home in North Hollywood, California on July 6. A spokesperson for his family told CNN at the time that Boyce died in his sleep after a seizure resulting from an ongoing medical condition, which was later revealed to be epilepsy.
Boyce starred in "Jessie," a Disney Channel show, for four seasons from 2011-2015.
He also starred in "Mirrors," "Eagle Eye" with Shia LaBeouf and "Grown Ups" with Adam Sandler. He played Cruella De Vil's teenage son, Carlos, in Disney Channel's "Descendants."

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Twitter suspends account hours after Trump retweeted it

Trump retweeted a post from an account operating under the name "Lynn Thomas" that accused Democrats of being "the true enemies of America." The account, which created in September 2018, described itself as a "Fierce Trump supporter" and declared: "I'm not a bot."
Just a few hours later, Twitter had suspended the account, confirming to CNN it had broken the platform's rules. The company did not say what rules the account had broken.
The Daily Beast first reported the suspension.
In an interview with C-SPAN set to air Tuesday night, Trump said he has "not much" regret when it comes to the tens of thousands of tweets he has sent, but he also acknowledged that it can be an issue when he retweets other accounts.
"The bigger problem are the retweets. You'll retweet something that sounds good, but it turned out to be from a player that's not the best player in the world, that sort of causes a problem," he said.
Explaining his use of Twitter, Trump called it an "incredible way of communicating," as well as a way to combat negative coverage.
Earlier this month, Trump invited a cadre of rightwing internet personalities to the White House for a "social media summit." There the President bemoaned Silicon Valley's purported bias against him and his supporters.
He claimed that Twitter was making it difficult for people to follow him on the platform, saying at the time,"People come up to me: 'Sir, we want to follow you; they don't let us on." He added later: "I have millions of people, so many people I wouldn't believe it, but I know that we've been blocked. People come up to me and they say, 'Sir, I can't get you. I can't follow you.'"
There is no evidence, as CNN has previously reported, that Twitter or other social media companies have made it difficult for people to follow Trump. And when Trump recently used racist language to attack four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color, a Twitter spokesperson told CNN that the President's tweets were not against its rules -- a conclusion apparently contradicted by Twitter's written policies.

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