
Thursday, October 31, 2019

スザンヌ、再婚願望を明かす 「いつかはね、と思う」 - 中日スポーツ

  1. スザンヌ、再婚願望を明かす 「いつかはね、と思う」  中日スポーツ
  2. スザンヌ、再婚について「いつかはと思うけど…」  日刊スポーツ
  3. トム・ブラウンがハロウィン漫才で「ダメー!」M-1優勝宣言も(イベントレポート / 写真12枚)  ナタリー
  4. スザンヌ、後輩トム・ブラウンにアドバイス  JIJIPRESS/時事通信芸能動画ニュース
  5. スザンヌ、再婚に意欲も 「お父さんがいたら甘えにいける」シングルマザーの苦労語る  ニフティニュース
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

スザンヌ、再婚願望を明かす 「いつかはね、と思う」 - 中日スポーツ

保育園の床、死骸で真っ黒…服にへばりつく「雪虫」異常発生 - 読売新聞

  1. 保育園の床、死骸で真っ黒…服にへばりつく「雪虫」異常発生  読売新聞
  2. 服にへばりつく「雪虫」異常発生、市街地を浮遊(読売新聞オンライン)  Yahoo!ニュース
  3. 北海道各地で"雪虫"大量発生|ニフティニュース  ニフティニュース
  4. 服にへばりつく「雪虫」異常発生、市街地を浮遊  ニフティニュース
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保育園の床、死骸で真っ黒…服にへばりつく「雪虫」異常発生 - 読売新聞

岸和田逃走、公表に5時間 大阪地検の対応後手に - 産経ニュース

  1. 岸和田逃走、公表に5時間 大阪地検の対応後手に  産経ニュース
  2. 収容予定の女「荷物を取りに行きたい」と車に乗り込み逃走 はねられた検察事務官は軽傷 大阪・岸和田  ZAKZAK
  3. 収監予定の女 いまだ逃走中、逃走車は別の女性の名義  TBS News
  4. 大阪地検岸和田支部から女が車で逃走…使われた車は“別の女性名義”だと判明  毎日放送
  5. 収容予定の女逃走 男現場を下見して手助けか 大阪(19/10/31)  ANNnewsCH
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

岸和田逃走、公表に5時間 大阪地検の対応後手に - 産経ニュース

【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

  1. 【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落  ブルームバーグ
  2. ドル指数10日ぶり安値、米利下げ継続か見極め=NY市場  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
  3. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

【NY外為】円が大幅高、一時107円台-ドルは統計軟調で下落 - ブルームバーグ

2021年F1新レギュレーションが承認。「セクシーで接近戦が可能」な新世代マシンの外観も発表に - オートスポーツweb

  1. 2021年F1新レギュレーションが承認。「セクシーで接近戦が可能」な新世代マシンの外観も発表に  オートスポーツweb
  2. 2021年F1新レギュレーションが承認。「セクシーで接近戦が可能」な新世代マシンの外観も発表に(オートスポーツweb)  Yahoo!ニュース
  3. F1 | 2021年の新レギュレーションを承認&F1マシンを公開
  4. 2021年、未来のF1マシンがベールを脱ぐ  ESPN F1
  5. 【画像29枚:F1】2021年以降の新レギュレーションと画像を発表  TopNews
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

2021年F1新レギュレーションが承認。「セクシーで接近戦が可能」な新世代マシンの外観も発表に - オートスポーツweb

ロッテ荻野FA行使せず残留「恩返しできていない」 - 日刊スポーツ

  1. ロッテ荻野FA行使せず残留「恩返しできていない」  日刊スポーツ
  2. ロッテ荻野 FA権行使せず残留「まだ、恩返しができていない」  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
  3. 【ロッテ】荻野、残留表明「優勝を味わいたい」  スポーツ報知
  4. ロッテ荻野が残留表明へ 今季は自身最多28盗塁  日刊スポーツ
  5. ロッテ・益田 残留表明「野球生活のピークに持っていけるという自信がある。優勝したい」  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

ロッテ荻野FA行使せず残留「恩返しできていない」 - 日刊スポーツ

安倍政権「辞任ドミノ」現実に 過去の悪夢再来に危機感 - 産経ニュース

  1. 安倍政権「辞任ドミノ」現実に 過去の悪夢再来に危機感  産経ニュース
  2. 安倍政権「辞任ドミノ」現実に 過去の悪夢再来に危機感(2019年10月31日)|BIGLOBEニュース  BIGLOBEニュース
  3. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

安倍政権「辞任ドミノ」現実に 過去の悪夢再来に危機感 - 産経ニュース

上野動物園モノレールが運行休止 62年の歴史にひとまず幕 都民から意見聞き今後を検討(乗りものニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

  1. 上野動物園モノレールが運行休止 62年の歴史にひとまず幕 都民から意見聞き今後を検討(乗りものニュース)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 62年親しまれた上野動物園のモノレール きょうで幕(19/10/31)  ANNnewsCH
  3. 日本最古のモノレール引退 東京・上野動物園  サンケイスポーツ
  4. 上野動物園、モノレール休止=57年開業、乗客6500万人超  時事通信映像センター
  5. 上野動物園のモノレール、車体老朽化で運行休止…都は廃止も視野  読売新聞
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

上野動物園モノレールが運行休止 62年の歴史にひとまず幕 都民から意見聞き今後を検討(乗りものニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

ブラウザが遅いのはどうして? 理由とその解決法 - GIZMODO JAPAN

ブラウザが遅いのはどうして? 理由とその解決法  GIZMODO JAPAN
ブラウザが遅いのはどうして? 理由とその解決法 - GIZMODO JAPAN

椎名林檎ベストに宇多田ヒカルとデュエットした新曲「たいへん面白いプログラムでした」(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー

  1. 椎名林檎ベストに宇多田ヒカルとデュエットした新曲「たいへん面白いプログラムでした」(動画あり / コメントあり)  ナタリー
  2. 椎名林檎と宇多田ヒカル - 浪漫と算盤  椎名林檎
  3. 椎名林檎×宇多田ヒカルが3年ぶりデュエット 共演MVも公開「全てが贅沢な時間」  ORICON NEWS
  4. ORICON NEWS:椎名林檎×宇多田ヒカルが3年ぶりデュエット 共演MVも公開「全てが贅沢な時間」  毎日新聞
  5. 椎名林檎と宇多田ヒカルが再び共演。新曲MV公開&今夜24時より先行配信|
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

椎名林檎ベストに宇多田ヒカルとデュエットした新曲「たいへん面白いプログラムでした」(動画あり / コメントあり) - ナタリー

久保建英、移籍後初の出番なし!マジョルカは2度のリードを守りきれずオサスナとドロー(SOCCER DIGEST Web) - Yahoo!ニュース

  1. 久保建英、移籍後初の出番なし!マジョルカは2度のリードを守りきれずオサスナとドロー(SOCCER DIGEST Web)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 久保建英が第2節以来の不出場…マジョルカ、オサスナと勝ち点1を分け合う
  3. 久保建英は移籍後初の出番なし…マジョルカ、2度のリードを追いつかれドロー  SOCCER KING
  4. 久保建英、移籍後初の出番なし。マジョルカは2度リードも守れずオサスナと引き分け  フットボールチャンネル
  5. 【無料視聴可能|久保建英出場なるか!】マジョルカ対オサスナの日程・放送予定・無料視聴方法/ラ・リーガ第11節
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

久保建英、移籍後初の出番なし!マジョルカは2度のリードを守りきれずオサスナとドロー(SOCCER DIGEST Web) - Yahoo!ニュース

米下院、弾劾調査の決議可決 疑惑追及でトランプ氏に圧力 - 日本経済新聞

米下院、弾劾調査の決議可決 疑惑追及でトランプ氏に圧力  日本経済新聞Google ニュースですべての記事を表示
米下院、弾劾調査の決議可決 疑惑追及でトランプ氏に圧力 - 日本経済新聞

「危ない人事」当初から懸念 首相周辺「まずい状況だ」 - 朝日新聞

「危ない人事」当初から懸念 首相周辺「まずい状況だ」  朝日新聞
「危ない人事」当初から懸念 首相周辺「まずい状況だ」 - 朝日新聞

「超大型ロケット砲」試射成功=目標地域の焦土化可能-北朝鮮(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース

  1. 「超大型ロケット砲」試射成功=目標地域の焦土化可能-北朝鮮(時事通信)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. 北朝鮮「超大型ロケット砲」の発射実験に成功と発表  NHK NEWS WEB
  3. 北朝鮮、超大型多連装ロケット砲発射実験に成功=KCNA  ロイター (
  4. 北朝鮮、超大型多連装ロケット発射実験に成功=KCNA  Newsweekjapan
  5. 北朝鮮「超大型放射砲の試験射撃は成果…敵を焦土化できる」  中央日報
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

「超大型ロケット砲」試射成功=目標地域の焦土化可能-北朝鮮(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース

野党攻勢、審議応ぜず=会社法改正案先送り-河井法相辞任 - 時事通信ニュース

野党攻勢、審議応ぜず=会社法改正案先送り-河井法相辞任  時事通信ニュースGoogle ニュースですべての記事を表示
野党攻勢、審議応ぜず=会社法改正案先送り-河井法相辞任 - 時事通信ニュース

河井案里氏釈明「事務所の運営はスタッフに」 文春報道受けコメント(毎日新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース

河井案里氏釈明「事務所の運営はスタッフに」 文春報道受けコメント(毎日新聞)  Yahoo!ニュースGoogle ニュースですべての記事を表示
河井案里氏釈明「事務所の運営はスタッフに」 文春報道受けコメント(毎日新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース

AirPods Proを速くもiFixitが分解。バッテリーはボタン電池に変更、修理スコアは(また)0点 - Engadget 日本版

  1. AirPods Proを速くもiFixitが分解。バッテリーはボタン電池に変更、修理スコアは(また)0点  Engadget 日本版
  2. 『AirPods Pro』ってアニメとかゲームキャラのアレに似てない?  ガジェット通信
  3. アップル「AirPods Pro」の凄いところ、残念なところ。ソニー「1000XM3」と比較レビュー(PHILE WEB)  Yahoo!ニュース
  4. AirPods Proの本当の凄さ。NC性能、音質、小ささ以上の魅力はここ!ソニーWF-1000XM3とも比較(本田雅一)  Engadget 日本版
  5. au、AirPods Proの販売を開始。価格はAppleと同額  iPhone Mania
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

AirPods Proを速くもiFixitが分解。バッテリーはボタン電池に変更、修理スコアは(また)0点 - Engadget 日本版

三菱スペースジェット、試験機完成遅れ 6度目延期が現実味 - Aviation Wire

  1. 三菱スペースジェット、試験機完成遅れ 6度目延期が現実味  Aviation Wire
  2. 三菱スペースジェット 最大100機の受注キャンセル(19/11/01)  ANNnewsCH
  3. 三菱スペースジェット、試験機完成遅れ 6度目延期が現実味(Aviation Wire)  Yahoo!ニュース
  4. 国産「三菱ジェット」6度目の納入遅れに現実味  東洋経済オンライン
  5. 三菱航空機、米トランス・ステーツとの計100機の契約を解消  ロイター (Reuters Japan)
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三菱スペースジェット、試験機完成遅れ 6度目延期が現実味 - Aviation Wire

ディーン・フジオカ、松下奈緒に「罵られましたよ」 - ドワンゴジェイピーnews

  1. ディーン・フジオカ、松下奈緒に「罵られましたよ」  ドワンゴジェイピーnews
  2. ディーン・フジオカ、“恋人”松下奈緒から「ぼろくそ言われた」 全編セリフ無し映画なのに… 映画「エンジェルサイン」完成披露試写会  maidigitv
  3. ディーン・フジオカ、松下奈緒に「ボロカスに罵られた」 セリフなし映画も「口パクで」  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
  4. ディーン・フジオカ、松下奈緒にコラボ曲褒められにんまり「やったー!」(写真15枚)  ナタリー
  5. ディーン・フジオカ:“恋人”松下奈緒から「ぼろくそ言われた」 全編セリフ無し映画なのに…  MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

ディーン・フジオカ、松下奈緒に「罵られましたよ」 - ドワンゴジェイピーnews

侍J「不動の1番」秋山が死球受け病院直行 17年にも侍強化試合で死球骨折、最悪離脱も - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

  1. 侍J「不動の1番」秋山が死球受け病院直行 17年にも侍強化試合で死球骨折、最悪離脱も  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
  2. 侍秋山が骨折離脱の可能性 メジャー挑戦にも影響か(日刊スポーツ)  Yahoo!ニュース
  3. 侍秋山が骨折離脱の可能性 メジャー挑戦にも影響か  日刊スポーツ
  4. 【侍ジャパン】秋山、病院直行でセンターいない 発熱の岸は1日の登板回避  スポーツ報知
  5. 侍ジャパン、カナダ戦のスタメン発表 1番に秋山が入り、菊池、坂本、鈴木と続く(Full-Count)  Yahoo!ニュース
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

侍J「不動の1番」秋山が死球受け病院直行 17年にも侍強化試合で死球骨折、最悪離脱も - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

【巨人】坂本勇、遊撃手で2年ぶりGグラブ「来年は日本一になって受賞したい」 - スポーツ報知

  1. 【巨人】坂本勇、遊撃手で2年ぶりGグラブ「来年は日本一になって受賞したい」  スポーツ報知
  2. 日本一のソフトB、千賀ら4選手が受賞 巨人からは坂本&丸 三井ゴールデン・グラブ賞(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!  Yahoo!ニュース
  3. 周平、Gグラブ初受賞!二塁経験で大きく飛躍 来季は「エラーゼロ」だ!:ドラニュース:中日スポーツ(CHUNICHI Web)  中日スポーツ
  4. 【巨人】丸、7年連続Gグラブ 外野手で巨人歴代2位タイ…失策2つのみ  スポーツ報知
  5. 西武 源田2年連続ゴールデン・グラブ賞「さらに守備に磨きを」秋山は5年連続受賞  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
  6. Google ニュースですべての記事を表示

【巨人】坂本勇、遊撃手で2年ぶりGグラブ「来年は日本一になって受賞したい」 - スポーツ報知

White House ramps up Senate outreach after House Republicans stick together on impeachment inquiry vote

Some White House aides and advisers still think President Donald Trump has resisted forming an adequate team to defend against impeachment, as he's nixed forming a war room or hiring more staff and lawyers. However, the President and staff have spent more time in the past week reaching out to the senators who will likely decide his fate if the House impeaches him.
Several White House officials said the shift in focus to the Senate, after leaving House Republicans largely to chart their own way through the early days of the inquiry, includes the advice from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at a meeting last week for Trump to stop insulting Republican senators.
The House voted to formalize impeachment inquiry procedures on Thursday, a historic vote that passed mainly along party lines, though two Democrats broke ranks and joined Republicans in voting against the resolution. The significant step provides the procedural details for how the House will move its impeachment inquiry into its next phase as it investigates a whistleblower complaint alleging that the President attempted to pressure Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 presidential election by investigating the family of his potential political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. White House officials said Trump monitored Thursday's impeachment proceedings on the House floor.
Over plates of chicken in the Roosevelt Room on Thursday, the President talked impeachment with a handful of Republican senators just hours after the House voted. Like many White House officials, Trump focused on the pair of Democratic members who bucked leadership, according to Sen. Josh Hawley, one of more than a half-dozen senators who met with Trump at the White House.
A source familiar with Trump's meeting with senators said the President told the attendees in the room that he was pleased that no Republicans had defected during the vote on the impeachment resolution. Trump also continued to stress the importance of the summary transcript of the Ukraine call released by the White House. The White House's Ukraine expert, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, testified earlier this week that the transcript omitted some details of the call, including by replacing a portion of the conversation where Trump mentioned tapes of Biden with an ellipsis.
Many Republicans and advisers remain deeply frustrated with the way the White House is handling the entire situation. But some point to these signs that the President and his staff may be preparing to handle the second phase of impeachment better than the first, which many even within the White House have acknowledged hasn't gone well.
One of the reasons for the White House's Senate outreach is that the President's team is concerned about reports that the Senate part of the process will not be as predictable as what unfolded in the House.
Still, the source familiar with Thursday's meeting said it's unlikely at this point that many GOP senators will break from the President.
"If I had to bet any money, I would say only one at this point," the source said. "Sen. Mitt Romney."
A separate GOP official aware of discussions among Senate Republicans was much more careful about making predictions, saying, "It's too early to tell."
This official said some GOP senators remain concerned about the President's actions and are awaiting for the facts to come in.

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Keystone Pipeline leaks 383,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota

The oil leak was discovered just north of Edinburg, in the northeast part of the state, and affected about 2,500 square yards of land, the company said. A drop in pressure was detected on Tuesday, and the pipeline was immediately shut down, the company said.
The company is not sure how the leak started, but says an independent party is examining the pipeline.
"We are establishing air quality, water and wildlife monitoring and will continue monitoring throughout the response. There have been no reported injuries or impacted wildlife," TC Energy said.
"The safety of the public and environment are our top priorities and we will continue to provide updates as they become available."
The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality said the spill impacted a wetland area. "Personnel from the NDDEQ are at the site and will continue to monitor the investigation and remediation," the department said in a news release.
The Indigenous Environmental Network, an environmental justice nonprofit group, responded to the spill with concern.
"This is exactly the kind of spill we are worried about when it comes to Keystone XL being built. It has never been if a pipeline breaks but rather when," said Joye Braun, Indigenous Environmental Network frontline community organizer.
The organization criticized the company, saying that it hasn't done enough to secure the infrastructure of the pipeline.

Pipeline protests

The Keystone Pipeline system stretches more than 2,600 miles from Alberta, Canada, east into Manitoba and then south to Texas.
Keystone 1 refers to phase one of the Keystone Pipeline that starts in Alberta and runs through North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri to refineries in Illinois and Oklahoma. Phase one started operating in 2011.
The controversial Keystone XL pipeline would begin in Alberta and extend south to Steele City, Nebraska. The company says it hopes to start construction in 2020.
The pipelines have sparked months-long protests. In 2017, a spill exposed 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota. As many as 10,000 people participated during the peak of the demonstrations.
Clashes with police at the protests turned violent at times, with one woman nearly losing her arm after an explosion in November 2016.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

大阪市長「NHK受信料払う」…N国党首提訴で - 読売新聞

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利子どころか...「手数料」払ってお金預ける時代に? 銀行苦境で導入議論 - J-CASTニュース

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Senior US counterterrorism official says ISIS has a 'deep bench'

At a House Homeland Security Committee hearing Wednesday, acting Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Russell Travers called the death of Baghdadi a "significant" loss but added that the terror group has a "deep bench."
"We need to remember that the United States and the coalition overall has had tremendous success in eliminating leadership over the years of both al Qaeda and ISIS, and yet the bench tends to rise to the top. And my guess is that if history is any judge, over the next -- somewhere between a couple of days and a couple of weeks -- we'll see a new leader, khalif, announced," Travers said.
Baghdadi died in the early morning hours Sunday after blowing himself up when cornered by US forces who had raided his compound in northern Syria, according to President Donald Trump.
Abu Hasan al-Muhajir, a high ranking deputy in the terror group and its spokesman, was seen as a possible successor, Travers said, although he was also killed in recent days in a different part of northern Syria than where Baghdadi died.
Another potential new leader is Hajji Abdallah, an Iraqi religious scholar, Travers said.
Travers predicted the late ISIS leader would be eulogized, including by the head of al Qaeda, a rival group, and said the NCTC expects to see requests from the new ISIS leader for the group's branches and affiliates to swear allegiance.
"That's what we'll be watching very carefully -- to see how this individual consolidates control going forward," Travers said.
Within Syria and Iraq, there are at least 14,000 ISIS fighters, said Travers, up from around 1,000 fighters when the group was "at its low point" five or six years ago.
"This tells us that the insurgency has a lot of options," he said.
There were roughly 10,000 ISIS prisoners being held in Syrian prisons, of which around 2,000 were foreign fighters, according to Travers.
Travers told the congressional committee that "by any calculation there are far more radicalized individuals now than there were at the time of 9/11."
When asked how many al Qaeda members exist, Travers said there is a command and control structure, as well as around a half-dozen affiliates with thousands of individuals in each, but he acknowledged that numbers are difficult to come by.
He also said numbers alone aren't a particularly good indicator of capability.
Also Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that terrorists still pose a threat to the US even after the operation against Baghdadi.
"Even as we recognize our country's important recent achievements with the death of al-Baghdadi and our fight against ISIS in the Middle East, we know that we have to stay vigilant against the threat both overseas and here at home," Wray said.
In 2019, the FBI made 107 domestic terrorism arrests and around 121 international terrorism arrests, numbers that are in line with the previous year, said Wray.
There are around 1,000 ongoing FBI investigations related to homegrown violent extremism, as well as around 1,000 connected to foreign terrorist organizations, he added.
"International terrorism is something that is very much alive and well and something we need to stay focused on as well," said Wray.
Outgoing acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan said Wednesday that in the wake of al-Baghdadi's death, the inspiration behind the ISIS ideology persists.
The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI recently put out a joint intelligence bulletin to ensure awareness of the potential of someone to be inspired and commit an attack in the immediate aftermath of the death of a senior leader, according to McAleenan.
"We do think it's going to affect their ability to reorganize and redirect, but we maintain our concern about the diffused and dispersed ISIS affiliates and their ability to continue to mount threats to US interests worldwide," he said.

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Students called a teen suicide hotline listed on their ID cards. It was sex hotline instead.

What they discovered on the other end of the line was something very different.
Emily had unintentionally called a sex hotline. The phone number was listed as a resource on the student ID cards issued by New Vista Middle School in Lancaster, California.
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Emily told her mother, Janene, about the discovery Monday after being picked up from an after-school program.
"First thing I did was call the number, and sure enough, it was a sex line," Lavelle told CNN. "I was pretty shocked -- it was kind of disbelief."
Lavelle said she wanted to call the school district right away, but since it was after hours, she decided to post a picture of the back of the ID to Facebook, where it went viral.
Facebook took down the post showing the back of the card and offending number Wednesday. Lavelle said she received a message saying the post "goes against our community standard on adult sexual solicitation."
Lavelle told CNN she has not heard personally from the school district, but the superintendent of the Lancaster School District issued a statement apologizing for the error.
How to get help for someone who might be suicidal
"Late Monday evening we were made aware that the middle school student ID cards, which have information for emergency resources listed on the back, have the wrong phone number listed for the Suicide Hotline," superintendent Michelle Bowers said in a statement. "We are very sorry for this error, and we are working hard to correct it. The phone numbers have two digits transposed and this is a mistake. The incorrect number listed on the card is actually a sex line."
School administrators have collected all student IDs, and they plan to print and distribute new student IDs as soon as possible, according to Bowers.
In the meantime, Bowers told CNN, calls to the incorrect number on the ID are being routed to the suicide prevention hotline.
"Upon learning about the problem (I'm assuming because of the increased calls and inquiries), the owner of the sex line number was kind enough to have all calls on that number forwarded to the suicide prevention hotline," she said in an email to CNN.
"In my opinion, anything the district puts out, they're responsible for," Lavelle said. "I don't really expect them to do a whole lot more than apologize and fix it."
You can call 1-800-273-8255 to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It provides free and confidential support 24 hours a day, seven days a week for people in suicidal crisis or distress.

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YouTube star MrBeast wants to plant 20 million trees. Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, and more are helping him do it.

He's raised more than $8.2 million in just a few days with donations from Elon Musk, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and his legion of fans.
More than half of tree species found only in Europe could become extinct, study shows
MrBeast, who's real name is Jimmy Donaldson, is known for his random and often elaborate acts of generosity and stunts, such as building a mansion out of cardboard and going through the same drive-thru a thousand times.
He and fellow YouTuber Mark Rober have partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to raise the money and get the trees in the ground.
More than 300,000 people have made donations since the TeamTrees campaign launched on Friday afternoon, Arbor Day Foundation spokesman Danny Cohn told CNN.
Elon Musk, of Tesla and SpaceX fame, gave $1 million dollars and even changed his Twitter name to "Treelon."
Dorsey gave $150,000, Norwegian DJ and record producer Alan Walker gave $100,001 and MrBeast gave $100,002 to his own cause.
US cities are losing 36 million trees a year. Here's why it matters and how you can stop it
"The average person can't afford $150,000 or a million, but we've been getting spikes of between 5 and 20 trees every time a large donation comes in and every tree matters, every single donor is important," Cohn said.
The Arbor Day Foundation will work with its local partners around the world to plant one tree for each dollar they raise.
It will take time to get the right trees to the right places -- and dig 20 million holes -- but Cohn said they expect to have all the trees planted by 2022, which is its 150th anniversary.
Greta Thunberg declined a climate award because the world needs more action, fewer awards
"We really want to make sure they are being placed where they can do the most good for the Earth," he said.
Cohn said that the big celebrity donations have inspired young people to give at a rate that they've never seen before. "This is just another fact of this generation seeing the importance of getting trees in the ground to help the future of the earth," he said.
The Arbor Day Foundation says that 100 million trees absorb 8 million tons of carbon over their lifetime, which is the equivalent of taking 6.2 million cars off the road for one year. The trees will also reduce water runoff and filter pollutions and microparticles from the atmosphere. They are expected to generate $32.9 billion in environmental benefits.

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ドルは109円前後、米中合意期待で一時3カ月ぶり高値もFOMC待ち - ブルームバーグ

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Asia's biggest Halloween party is in Hong Kong, where people are being arrested for wearing masks

LKF, as it's known locally, is the one of the most popular places to go out in Hong Kong. It's home to a host of bars, clubs and restaurants that are usually packed on weekends. On Fridays and Saturdays, the road is closed to traffic and revelers regularly spill out onto the street, drinking and talking into the early hours of the morning.
But October 31 is something else.
Thousands of visitors, locals and expatriates line up to enter the district, many wearing elaborate Halloween outfits and masks. It's gotten so hectic in recent years that police are deployed ahead of time for crowd control.
"Halloween in LKF has always been known for its crazy street party," said Gemma, a waitress and bar promoter, who asked to be identified by only her first name.
"But I feel like it is going to be a different vibe this year."
Hong Kong Police officers standing guard in Lan Kwai Fong in 2013.
Earlier this month, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam used colonial-era emergency powers to ban masks at some public gatherings in attempt to temper months of anti-government protests.
It's not clear if -- and how -- the ban will be enforced during a holiday that encourages people to disguise their faces.
And there are concerns chaos could ensue if protesters go ahead with their plans to march to LKF, making it potentially very difficult to tell the difference between protesters and partygoers.

Competing protests

Protests are now a regular occurrence on weekends in Hong Kong, and more unrest is likely to be seen on Halloween as the date marks two months since a particularly violent clash in Kowloon's Prince Edward subway station.
Graphic video footage from that incident showed police swinging batons in the station, landing some blows on individuals already lying on the ground. Police said the subway clearance operation was a response to citizen reports of disruption and vandalism. Dozens were arrested.
Some protesters are planning to gather near the Prince Edward subway station to mark the anniversary, which may limit the number of people who are planning to go to LKF.
Others plan to march from Victoria Park in Causeway Bay to Lan Kwai Fong in Central. Organizers appear to be taking advantage of the holiday in a potential bid to get around the mask ban. They're recommending that participants wear a mask and red clothes and are encouraging them to trick-or-treat along the way.
They've also appeared to float some costume ideas.
Posters for the so-called "Masquerade Halloween" show images of some of the protest movement's main adversaries -- Lam, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Hong Kong Justice Secretary Teresa Cheng -- alongside potential costumes.
Xi is featured next to an image of Winnie the Pooh, continuing a longstanding, unflattering comparison of the two. The insult has not been welcomed by Chinese authorities and censors in Beijing have attempted to banish it from cyberspace in mainland China.
Protest posters announcing the Masquerade Halloween event that have been circulated in Telegram.

How will the mask ban work?

Hong Kong authorities have not responded to CNN's request to explain how the mask ban will work on Halloween.
According to information posted on the Hong Kong Security Bureau's website, the mask ban only applies to unauthorized gatherings, but allows police to ask anyone in public to remove facial coverings to identify themselves.
Lam, the city's leader, said the measures were meant to quell the protests and hold rioters accountable for their actions, but the demonstrations that followed her announcement have been some of the most violent and destructive yet.
Protesters have also regularly defied the anti-mask law, and dozens have been arrested for doing so.
Gemma, the bar promoter and waitress, said she thinks the mask ban and the confusion surrounding it may deter people from coming out.
"I keep asking around to find out what that means for Halloween and I'm getting mixed answers," she said.
A police officer stands guard as people celebrate Halloween in Lan Kwai Fong in 2017.
LKF's organizers are scaling things back this year, putting up fewer decorations and hiring more security because of the potential for protests, according to Allan Zeman, the chairman and founder of Lan Kwai Fong Group, which developed the district.
"We have a lot more security this year, we have a team of security there this year because I'm more concerned about the kids ... and really making it safe for them," Zeman said.
In a statement Tuesday, police said they were concerned that marchers going from Victoria Park to Central, where LKF is located.
"There is a possibility of extensive road blockage ... breaching public peace and public order. Members of the public should avoid travelling to the concerned area when public disorder occurs," the statement read.
Police would not tell CNN if they were increasing the number of officers on duty in LKF on Halloween. Hong Kong police said in a statement that the authorities would "deploy appropriate manpower in accordance with the actual situation to maintain public order and public safety."
Revelers dressed in costume Lan Kwai Fong on Halloween 2015.
Sandeep, a bar owner in nearby Central who has worked in the industry for seven years, worried that the confusion over potential policing on Halloween could affect his bottom line. He asked CNN not publish his surname nor the name of his bar, because of how sensitive it is to talk about the protests.
He said the protests have already affected his business -- last weekend, the crowd size was about 30% smaller than the same time last year. "Big events, weekends we depend on business. One bad weekend affects the business a lot," Sandeep said.
"The last quarter of the year is meant to be the busiest time of the year with events, festive celebrations," Sandeep said. "That helps make up for the slower quarters, but if this quarter isn't good then I fear bonus and layoffs will happen."
Hong Kong has now entered a technical recession due to the protests, and the hospitality industry has been heavily impacted. Local bars and restaurants are suffering because fewer tourists are coming in and fewer Hong Kongers are going out.
People fill the streets in Lan Kwai Fong on Halloween in 2016
Since the protests began, those not participating often choose to stay home on weekends, so they don't accidentally get caught in the middle of an unexpected clash. Often people are forced to stay in when neighborhoods become the site of protests and police operations.
"It's been a very tense time in Hong Kong and I know a lot of bars are really on their last legs due to drop in sales," Gemma said.
This Halloween people will likely wear masks and go out to protest. But it's unclear how many will wear masks and go out to party.
"This year is not a night that we're going to be counting how much money we can make on Halloween," Zeman said. "I'll be really happy when it's over, just to get through it."

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Dog the Bounty Hunter pays tribute to his late wife on her birthday

Chapman on Tuesday posted a video of clips of Beth from their most recent reality TV show, "Dog's Most Wanted," on Instagram. "There will never be another like you," he wrote in the caption. "Happy birthday Beth! We [love] you!"
A few hours later, he reposted a picture of him and Beth, which she had captioned, "Sooooo in love with this guy!"
Beth died on June 26 after she was placed in a medically induced coma at the end of her battle with cancer.
The couple starred alongside each other in the reality TV series "Dog the Bounty Hunter," which features the pair's lives and the operation of their family-owned bounty hunting business.
They also appeared in a spinoff reality TV series, "Dog and Beth: On the Hunt," from 2013 to 2015.
She and her husband raised 12 children together, rotating between living in Hawaii and Colorado, says her page on Duane's website.
Before her death, the couple had planned to debut a new series, "Dog's Most Wanted" which chronicles Beth, Duane, and their team "The Dirty Dozen" on a cross-country manhunt for "Dog's Most Wanted fugitives."
Though Beth has passed, the show is currently airing on WGN America and features footage of Beth shot before her death.

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