
Saturday, August 31, 2019

大坂、15歳天才少女下し16強 試合後は感極まる - 日刊スポーツ

大坂、15歳天才少女下し16強 試合後は感極まる  日刊スポーツ


大坂、15歳天才少女下し16強 試合後は感極まる - 日刊スポーツ

“あおり運転殴打”で実況見分 そのさなかに玉突き事故が発生 -

“あおり運転殴打”で実況見分 そのさなかに玉突き事故が発生

男女2人が逮捕されたあおり運転殴打事件で、警察は31日、常磐道を一部通行止めにして、被害者立ち会いのもとで実況見分を行った。 実況見分は、午前9時から行われ、 ...

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“あおり運転殴打”で実況見分 そのさなかに玉突き事故が発生 -

“三流アイドル”本田翼が詐欺師をだます!? キレキレの毒舌ぶり発揮 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

  1. “三流アイドル”本田翼が詐欺師をだます!? キレキレの毒舌ぶり発揮  スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex
  2. 本田翼主演ドラマ「チート」が10月スタート、共演に金子大地、風間俊介ら(コメントあり)  ナタリー
  3. 本田翼、主演ドラマ『チート』で“詐欺師”と“アイドル”2つの顔を持つ女に 金子大地、風間俊介ら共演|Real Sound|リアルサウンド 映画部  リアルサウンド
  4. 本田翼、詐欺師とアイドルの“二刀流”に挑戦…日本テレビ系「チート」で新境地  スポーツ報知
  5. 本田翼、新ドラマで売れないアイドル役に挑戦 裏の顔を持つ異色ヒロイン  ORICON NEWS
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“三流アイドル”本田翼が詐欺師をだます!? キレキレの毒舌ぶり発揮 - スポニチアネックス Sponichi Annex

ナイフ襲撃、9人死傷=仏リヨン - 和歌山経済新聞

  1. ナイフ襲撃、9人死傷=仏リヨン  和歌山経済新聞
  2. 難民が刃物で襲撃9人死傷/仏  ニフティニュース
  3. フランス 刃物持った男がバス襲撃 1人死亡8人けが(19/09/01)  ANNnewsCH
  4. 仏南部リヨンで襲撃、1人死亡8人負傷 容疑者1人を拘束 - 毎日新聞  毎日新聞
  5. 仏南部リヨンで襲撃、1人死亡 8人負傷、難民申請中の男拘束  中日新聞
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ナイフ襲撃、9人死傷=仏リヨン - 和歌山経済新聞

気を取られた? “あおり実況見分”反対車線で事故 - テレビ朝日

気を取られた? “あおり実況見分”反対車線で事故  テレビ朝日

あおり暴行事件の実況見分のすぐ横で事故が起きました。 31日午前10時45分ごろ、茨城県守谷市内の常磐道の下りでトラックと乗用車合わせて3台が絡む事故が起きまし ...

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気を取られた? “あおり実況見分”反対車線で事故 - テレビ朝日

久保建英がバレンシア戦の遠征メンバー入り!地元紙は「偉大な瞬間がやって来る」 とデビューに期待(SOCCER DIGEST Web) - Yahoo!ニュース

  1. 久保建英がバレンシア戦の遠征メンバー入り!地元紙は「偉大な瞬間がやって来る」 とデビューに期待(SOCCER DIGEST Web)  Yahoo!ニュース
  2. マジョルカ久保建英、バレンシア戦招集メンバー入り  日刊スポーツ
  3. 久保、マジョルカデビューへメンバー入り 2日敵地バレンシア戦  サンケイスポーツ
  4. 「6年越しのリベンジだ!」バレンシア公式が“久保建英vsイ・ガンイン”の日韓スター対決に注目!(SOCCER DIGEST Web)  Yahoo!ニュース
  5. 久保建英がバレンシア戦の遠征メンバーに! ただしベンチ入りはまだ確定せず | ゲキサカ  ゲキサカ
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久保建英がバレンシア戦の遠征メンバー入り!地元紙は「偉大な瞬間がやって来る」 とデビューに期待(SOCCER DIGEST Web) - Yahoo!ニュース

Franco Columbu, Arnold Schwarzenegger's 'best friend,' dies at 78

The 78-year-old Columbu was the best man at the wedding of Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver in 1986. He was also an actor.
"From the minute we met in Munich, you were my partner in crime. We pushed each other, we competed with each other, and we laughed at every moment along the way," Schwarzenegger wrote in his tribute Friday. "I am devastated today. But I am also so, so grateful for the 54 years of friendship and joy we shared."
Arnold Schwarzenegger stands next to Franco Columbu, hanging upside down, in this image from 1977.
Columbu died at an Italian hospital after "not feeling well" while swimming near his native town of Ollolai, on the Italian island of Sardinia, according to the Italian news service ANSA and the newspaper La Repubblica.
The mayor of the town, Efisio Arbau, told La Repubblica that Columbu's death was "very painful" and that he was "Ollolai's ambassador to the world." Columbu lived in Los Angeles but returned to Sardinia for three weeks every August, Arbau told the newspaper.
Columbu was a world-class bodybuilder who was named Mr. Olympia twice, once in 1976 and again in 1981. He was also an actor who appeared in several of Schwarzenegger's movies, including "Terminator."
Columbu leaves behind his wife, Deborah, whom he married in 1986, and their daughter, Maria.

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Take an additional 50% off these already inexpensive TCL earbuds

TCL is well known for its TVs, but its recent foray into the sound space has proven just as fruitful. The Socl200 wired earbuds are a great value without skimping on capability. From now through Sept. 14, you can score 50% off these earbuds that are already less than $15. Amazon Prime members can enjoy free shipping on top of that. You just have to enter the promo code 50SOCL200 at checkout.

  • TCL Socl200 Wired Earbuds — Ocean Blue ($7.49, originally $14.99;
  • TCL Socl200 Wired Earbuds — Sunrise Purple ($6.08, originally $12.17;
  • TCL Socl200 Wired Earbuds — Phantom Black ($7.38, originally $14.77;
  • TCL Socl200 Wired Earbuds — Sunset Orange ($4.61, originally $9.23;

TCL's Socl200 earbuds pack all the features you would want in wired earbuds and more. The ergonomic design makes them comfortable, while the built-in microphone and remote let you control your music and phone calls with ease. The Socl200 earbuds also contain advanced audio drivers, enhancing bass and making the sound crisper. TCL not only stress tests Socl200 for over 150 hours, but guarantees these buds for a year.

If you are looking for new earbuds, it'll be hard to pass up the absurdly low prices of the Socl200.

Note: The price above reflects the retailer's listed price at the time of publication.

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概算要求、過去最大の105兆円程度 景気懸念で調整難航も - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞

概算要求、過去最大の105兆円程度 景気懸念で調整難航も - 毎日新聞  毎日新聞

2020年度当初予算の概算要求は、社会保障費や防衛費が増額要求となり、一般会計の総額で105兆円程度に膨らんだ。年末に向けた予算編成で財務省は査定を通じて ...

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概算要求、過去最大の105兆円程度 景気懸念で調整難航も - 毎日新聞 - 毎日新聞

堀江貴文氏、小泉進次郎氏の発言力にうなる「彼の言葉には力がある」 宇宙は「夢じゃなく現実」(2019年8月30日)|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース

堀江貴文氏、小泉進次郎氏の発言力にうなる「彼の言葉には力がある」 宇宙は「夢じゃなく現実」(2019年8月30日)|BIGLOBEニュース  BIGLOBEニュース


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堀江貴文氏、小泉進次郎氏の発言力にうなる「彼の言葉には力がある」 宇宙は「夢じゃなく現実」(2019年8月30日)|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース

あおり運転立件へ現場で実況見分 脇見か対向車線で衝突事故 - 産経ニュース

あおり運転立件へ現場で実況見分 脇見か対向車線で衝突事故  産経ニュース

茨城県守谷市の常磐自動車道で発生したあおり運転殴打事件で、県警は31日、被害者の男性会社員(24)の立ち会いで実況見分を実施した。実況見分では、被害男性が ...

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あおり運転立件へ現場で実況見分 脇見か対向車線で衝突事故 - 産経ニュース

渋野日向子2差4位、国内3勝目へ/最終日速報中 - ゴルフ - 日刊スポーツ

  1. 渋野日向子2差4位、国内3勝目へ/最終日速報中 - ゴルフ  日刊スポーツ
  2. 渋野、記録的V挑む!ボギー4つも根性でアンダーパー/国内女子  サンケイスポーツ
  3. <速報>渋野日向子は得意のバウンスバック2回 首位と3打差で後半へ(ゴルフ情報ALBA.Net) - Yahoo!ニュース  Yahoo!ニュース
  4. 渋野日向子4位 逆転Vへ望みつなぐ/第3日詳細 - ゴルフ  日刊スポーツ
  5. 渋野日向子が4位浮上! 全英Vから3試合目なのに…なぜ大会ポスターに登場しないのか?  ZAKZAK
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渋野日向子2差4位、国内3勝目へ/最終日速報中 - ゴルフ - 日刊スポーツ

“あおり運転”実況見分中 反対車線で事故|日テレNEWS24 - 日テレNEWS24

“あおり運転”実況見分中 反対車線で事故|日テレNEWS24  日テレNEWS24

31日午前11時前、茨城県の常磐自動車道で乗用車など3台が絡む事故があり、事故当時、反対車線では、10日に起きた「あおり運転殴打事件」の実況見分が行われて ...

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“あおり運転”実況見分中 反対車線で事故|日テレNEWS24 - 日テレNEWS24

防衛省、過去最大の概算要求 いずも空母化や宇宙作戦隊新設 - 産経ニュース

防衛省、過去最大の概算要求 いずも空母化や宇宙作戦隊新設  産経ニュース

防衛省は30日、総額5兆3223億円の令和2年度予算の概算要求を決めた。今年度当初予算比1・2%増で、過去最大規模となった。海上自衛隊の護衛艦「いずも」を戦闘 ...

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防衛省、過去最大の概算要求 いずも空母化や宇宙作戦隊新設 - 産経ニュース

堀江貴文氏、小泉進次郎氏の発言力にうなる「彼の言葉には力がある」 宇宙は「夢じゃなく現実」 - 秋田魁新報

  1. 堀江貴文氏、小泉進次郎氏の発言力にうなる「彼の言葉には力がある」 宇宙は「夢じゃなく現実」  秋田魁新報
  2. オリコンニュース - 堀江貴文氏、小泉進次郎氏の発言力にうなる「彼の言葉には力がある」 宇宙は「夢じゃなく現実」  南日本新聞
  3. 「宇宙は夢じゃなくて現実」小泉進次郎氏の言葉に堀江貴文氏がうなる  livedoor
  4. 堀江貴文氏「JAXAさんとは違うやり方」宇宙展望  ニフティニュース
  5. 堀江貴文氏、JAXAイベントでロケット開発の人材募集 14年前ぶりのリベンジ講演「うれしいです」  岩手日報
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堀江貴文氏、小泉進次郎氏の発言力にうなる「彼の言葉には力がある」 宇宙は「夢じゃなく現実」 - 秋田魁新報

日本ゲーム大賞・ゲームデザイナーズ大賞2019の審査員に桜井政博氏や宮崎英高氏など錚々たるクリエイター陣が決定。今年はどのタイトルが選出される? - ファミ通.com

日本ゲーム大賞・ゲームデザイナーズ大賞2019の審査員に桜井政博氏や宮崎英高氏など錚々たるクリエイター陣が決定。今年はどのタイトルが選出される?  ファミ通.com

2019年9月12日に東京ゲームショウ2019内で開催される、日本ゲーム大賞・ゲームデザイナーズ大賞2019の審査員9名が決定した。日本を代表するトップクリエイターが、 ...

日本ゲーム大賞・ゲームデザイナーズ大賞2019の審査員に桜井政博氏や宮崎英高氏など錚々たるクリエイター陣が決定。今年はどのタイトルが選出される? - ファミ通.com

独・ポーランド、賠償で論争=侵攻80年、90兆円試算も - 時事通信ニュース

独・ポーランド、賠償で論争=侵攻80年、90兆円試算も  時事通信ニュース

【ベルリン時事】第2次世界大戦の火ぶたを切ったドイツのポーランド侵攻から、1日で80年。この節目の年に、両国間で戦争賠償をめぐる論争が表面化している。くすぶる戦後 ...

独・ポーランド、賠償で論争=侵攻80年、90兆円試算も - 時事通信ニュース

Defending champion Naomi Osaka ends Coco Gauff's US Open run

In a blockbuster third-round matchup and in their first career meeting, the world No. 1 and 21-year-old from Japan bested the 15-year old American 6-3, 6-0 on Saturday to advance to the round of 16.
Once teen prospects, Townsend and Ahn flourishing years later at US Open
Osaka next will face No. 13 seed Belinda Bencic of Switzerland, who received a walkover to the fourth round when Anett Kontaveit withdrew ahead of their match due to illness.
Osaka became the first Japanese player to win a major singles title when she defeated her idol, Serena Williams, in last year's US Open final, making her a megastar. The Japanese-Haitian, who has dual Japanese and American citizenship, won her second grand slam crown at the Australian Open in January. She is bidding to become the first woman to defend the US Open since Williams won three in a row from 2012 to 2014.
This was Gauff's first match against an opponent ranked in the top 5 in her career. She was looking to be youngest player to reach the fourth round at US Open since Anna Kournikova in 1996.
Daniil Medvedev trolls US Open crowd after win: 'I won because of you'
The youngest player in the draw, Gauff was making her US Open singles debut as a wild card. Her tournament is not yet complete, however, as she's teaming up in women's doubles with 17-year-old fellow American Caty McNally, who lost to Serena Williams on Wednesday.
Gauff and McNally defeated Julia Goerges and Katerina Siniakova in the first round and will face the No. 9 seeds, Nicole Melichar and Kveta Peschke, in the second round Sunday. The pair claimed the women's doubles title at the Citi Open in Washington earlier this month. In 2018, Gauff and McNally won the US Open girls' doubles title.
Gauff became an overnight sensation in July when she reached the fourth round of Wimbledon, beating the likes of Venus Williams in the process.
In her run, she also became the first 15-year-old to reach the last 16 at Wimbledon since Martina Hingis in 1996. Gauff's Wimbledon came to an end at the hands of eventual champion Simona Halep, who lost Thursday to 23-year-old American Taylor Townsend.

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車の運転席付近狙い無差別発砲、米で5人死亡 - 読売新聞

  1. 車の運転席付近狙い無差別発砲、米で5人死亡  読売新聞
  2. 米テキサス州で銃乱射か 1人死亡10人以上けが  テレビ朝日
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車の運転席付近狙い無差別発砲、米で5人死亡 - 読売新聞

ハリケーン、ドリアンのクッキー($10.99)で賛否両論(森さやか) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース

ハリケーン、ドリアンのクッキー($10.99)で賛否両論(森さやか) - Yahoo!ニュース  Yahoo!ニュース

ハリケーン・ドリアンが勢力を強め、カテゴリー4の強さでアメリカ南東部に向かっています。警戒態勢が敷かれる中、今、このハリケーンの進路図がデザインされたクッキーが ...

ハリケーン、ドリアンのクッキー($10.99)で賛否両論(森さやか) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo!ニュース

大坂なおみ、4大大会4度目の16強/全米OP詳細 - スポーツ - 日刊スポーツ

  1. 大坂なおみ、4大大会4度目の16強/全米OP詳細 - スポーツ  日刊スポーツ
  2. テニス:全米オープン 大坂、15歳新鋭を警戒 3回戦で対戦 ガウフ「楽しみ」  毎日新聞
  3. 大坂なおみVS15歳ガウフにフェデラーも興味 「明日は凄い1日になるね」と心待ち  THE ANSWER
  4. 大坂が迎え撃つ15歳天才は根負け誘う鬼返球が武器  日刊スポーツ
  5. セリーナ、フェデラーも注目 大坂と15歳ガウフ、日本時間1日朝に初対決 - 毎日新聞  毎日新聞
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大坂なおみ、4大大会4度目の16強/全米OP詳細 - スポーツ - 日刊スポーツ

Appleが純正落し物追跡タグ?(2019年9月1日)|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース

Appleが純正落し物追跡タグ?(2019年9月1日)|BIGLOBEニュース  BIGLOBEニュース

MacRumorsが、iOS13betaから見つかった「B389」と呼ばれる落とし物トラッカーに関して、iOS13の内部ビルドから、他の多くのBluetooth…(2019年9月1日 8時11分27 ...

Appleが純正落し物追跡タグ?(2019年9月1日)|BIGLOBEニュース - BIGLOBEニュース

常磐道2時間通行止めにして…「あおり」実況見分 - 読売新聞

常磐道2時間通行止めにして…「あおり」実況見分  読売新聞

茨城県守谷市の常磐道であおり運転をした末、乗用車の男性を殴ったとして、大阪市東住吉区、会社役員宮崎文夫容疑者(43)が傷害容疑で逮捕された事件で、県警は31 ...

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常磐道2時間通行止めにして…「あおり」実況見分 - 読売新聞

Friday, August 30, 2019

祝PCエンジン mini発売決定、当時現役で遊び倒したライターが「PCエンジン」を回顧する - Engadget 日本版

祝PCエンジン mini発売決定、当時現役で遊び倒したライターが「PCエンジン」を回顧する  Engadget 日本版

レトロゲーム機の"ミニ化"ブームが続く中で、「PCエンジン mini」が来年3月に発売される。筆者は、学生時代、クラスの男子の中で話題の中心だったファミコンよりも ...

祝PCエンジン mini発売決定、当時現役で遊び倒したライターが「PCエンジン」を回顧する - Engadget 日本版

Pro-Trump super PAC paid thousands to firm owned by Trump's campaign manager

Federal Election Commission records indicate that Red State Data and Digital has received  $910,000 from America First Action,  the super PAC formed in 2017 to support the Trump-Pence agenda and  fellow Republican candidates.
After CNN initially published a story about Parscale's wife, Candice, being an owner of Red State, her husband contacted CNN and acknowledged he owns the company even though she is listed on legal paperwork. "I am the owner of Red State," Parscale told CNN.
Parscale said he hadn't originally wanted to disclose his ownership publicly because there are no available records connecting him to the company.
Delaware incorporation documents name only Candice Parscale as a "member" of Red State Data and Digital. A "member" of an LLC is usually an owner. The company was founded on March 2, 2018, just days after it was announced that Brad Parscale would become Trump's campaign manager. His name does not appear on the documents.
In a series of texts with CNN, after initial publication, Parscale said that "so, legally we both own it," and "she is on the paperwork yes." He also said that "she is my wife and I allow her to file and be on my companies because I trust her. It depends on how you look at it. But no. It is all my company." Then later he said, "I own the company solely," and that his wife "listed it incorrectly" on the incorporation document, speaking of her being named as a "member." "She just checked the box of what she was. I'm the owner."
He also tweeted around the same time, "I own all my companies. My wife is member on some of them to do filings and bookkeeping. This is a disgusting trick to make a very simple thing look nefarious. Her last name is Parscale, what would that hide?"
Super PACs can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money on behalf of federal candidates, but they are barred from coordinating spending decisions with those campaigns, among other limitations.
Brad Parscale and his wife both insist their arrangement is legitimate and that there is no coordination.
"This is a perfectly legal and appropriate arrangement, which is firewalled, with zero chance for coordination," he said in a statement. "There could not possibly be coordination because the ads placed were for other candidates in the 2018 midterms. Everything is in FEC compliance."
Still, experts in federal election law consulted by CNN said earlier that the appearance of a connection between the President's main super PAC and a firm set up by his campaign manager's  spouse that handles political ads walks right up to the line.
"It calls into question the independence of the super PAC," said Larry Noble, the former general counsel to the Federal Election Commission and a CNN contributor. "One would hope a watchdog agency would investigate allegations of coordination." 
Noble said the FEC has been "lax" about enforcing coordination rules. The FEC was further weakened by the resignation of one of its commissioners this week, reducing the number of sitting commissioners to three and thereby stripping it of its power to enforce campaign finance laws. Federal law requires four or more commissioners to approve new rules or take actions to punish those who violate election law.

Leading the campaign

Brad Parscale served as Trump's digital media director during the 2016 campaign. After the election, in January 2017 he co-founded America First Policies, the sister nonprofit closely related to the America First Action super PAC. He also helped raise millions of dollars in support of Trump's reelection bid. 
In 2017, he founded Parscale Strategy LLC, a marketing company that did work for America First Action, as well as others including the Republican National Committee.
As Trump's campaign manager, Parscale has come under scrutiny over the amount of money he's made off his political companies. According to a source close to the company, Parscale was rattled by recent negative press, particularly criticism among his Republican peers over a $13,500 fee he was paid for a speech to the Republican Party of Seminole County, Florida.
Parscale has returned the money to the campaign, according to a source close to the company. In the wake of the criticism, he has begun downsizing, according to the source, who said he had let three employees go from Parscale Strategy in the past week. A Trump campaign spokesman declined to comment about whether Parscale had returned the money to the campaign.

Payments from the PAC

The America First Action super PAC made its last payment to Parscale Strategy on March 13, 2018, and its first payment to Red State eight days later, on March 21.
In 2018, America First paid Red State a total of $837,000, according to FEC records. That makes it the fifth biggest recipient of money from the group last year, according to Open Secrets.
Money, power and data: Inside Trump's re-election machine
Since then, the company has received payments totaling approximately $70,000 for fundraising consulting and website design and development, according to FEC filings. The last payment of $10,000 was made in June 2019.
The same source close to the company says it stopped involvement with ads or media spends, typically the biggest expenditures of political groups, after the midterms.
In an interview with CNN this week, Candice Parscale said she is simply the bookkeeper for Red State, which she described as a small web-services company. The super PAC, however, remains Red State's only client, according to FEC filings.
Candice Parscale also denied having any involvement in Red State's strategy or work for campaigns. 
"I do payroll and invoicing," she said. 
According to its incorporation documents, Red State's listed street address is the same as a UPS Store near Capitol Hill in Washington. It's not uncommon for LLC's to list mailboxes as their addresses.
The company has no website. The Parscales live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where Candice Parscale says Red State employs at least a couple of people. They also said the company had one employee in Washington. 
Once Brad Parscale moved over to run the Trump campaign last year, according to his wife, the couple took legal advice as to how to retain a few of his employees. The staff, she says, mostly did not want to leave Florida and had no long-term interest in working for a political action committee. 
"These are web designers, not policy people," she explained. Hence, according to her, the formation of Red State, which could keep the web designers separate from the super PAC.
According to Candice Parscale, Red State does not have a CEO. Instead a woman whom she declined to name runs the company and reports directly to the president of America First Action, Brian Walsh. Candice Parscale said she does not have work-related discussions herself with Walsh, though she does know him socially.
Walsh did not answer specific questions about how he works with Red State or about his relationship with Candice Parscale when asked by CNN.
An America First spokesperson told CNN, "Red State is a valued vendor that provides us with digital consulting services at a competitive rate," and when asked about the propriety of the campaign manager's wife working for a firm directed by the super PAC, said, "America First strictly complies with FEC rules and regulations and any suggestion otherwise is patently false." 

Campaign experts weigh in

Campaign finance experts say it is difficult to know if the required distance between the entities is being adhered to. 
'It's been a disaster.' Inside the Trump super PAC struggles
"If Parscale wanted to sever himself completely from the super PAC, then I don't know why he would create a company involving his wife," said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21, a nonprofit organization committed to reducing the amount of dark money in politics. "It's hard to know if there's a legal issue or not, because of the lack of transparency." 
Wertheimer said it would be difficult to determine whether the Parscales were having conversations about work that was being done for the super PAC by Red State. "That's why dark money is so dangerous," he said. "No one knows what's going on."
Noble agreed that the setup is "concerning" because it poses the question of  whether Brad and Candice Parscale  talked strategy together. "It looks terrible because it's hard to believe they would not share information," Noble said. "Maybe they won't," he added wryly.
This story and the headline have been updated to include additional information given to CNN by Brad Parscale after publication.

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Hollywood pays tribute to 'great friend' Valerie Harper

Former cast members -- such as her "Mary Tyler Moore" costar Ed Asner, who described Harper as "a wonderful actress" and "a great friend " -- shared their memories on social media.
They were joined by friends and fans, some of whom also wrote of her work as a feminist activist or other endeavors.
"A beautiful woman, a wonderful actress, a great friend and with balls bigger than mine. Her brilliance burst through and shined its light upon all of us. Goodnight beautiful. I'll see you soon." -- via Twitter

Topher Grace

"I was so sad to hear that the amazing Valerie Harper passed away. 'Aunt Paula' was as wonderful to work with as she was funny. My best to her family." - via Twitter

Tom Bergeron

"She lit up the ballroom." -- via Twitter

Cyndi Lauper

"Valerie Harper passed away. She was a wonderful actress and brought me so much joy. She will be missed rip." -- via Twitter

Mia Farrow

"Thank you brilliant Valerie- you gave us so much!! RIP Valerie Harper." -- via Twitter

Phil Rosenthal

"One of our all-time favorites has passed. Wonderful, funny, lovely, supportive and a huge influence on and off stage, we love you, Valerie." -- via Twitter

Marlee Matlin

"Even when she was down she danced and showed the world that she refused to let cancer beat her. Now Rhoda is with Mary in heaven. RIP Valerie Harper. You were the epitome of strength and humor." - via Twitter

Leonard Maltin

"Certain people become a part of our lives—and a part of our families. #ValerieHarper was one of those precious few. She was part of an ensemble but always had a comedic spark all her own. We were lucky to have her." - via Twitter

Julie Cohen

"Rhoda Morgenstern -- ambitious career woman, funny & artsy Jewish New Yorker, Mary's BFF -- was so relatable to me that I wore a scarf like hers all thru 7th grade. RIP Valerie Harper." -- via Twitter

Simon Blackwell

"Rhoda was a terrific show and Valerie Harper such a superb lead - real, honest and hugely funny." - via Twitter

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Odd couple: Miniature horse and farm goose need a forever home — together

Hemingway the farm goose and Waffles the miniature horse are not only roommates at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. They're inseparable.
"Their body language made it obvious that they're friends and that they better stay together," said Cindy Kelly of the Bucks County SPCA.
Waffles, a 6-year-old miniature horse, and Hemingway the goose were rescued with two peacocks and a dozen ducks under warrant from a property Kelly said had "really filthy, unsanitary conditions."
Waffles is recovering from an infection. This has made Hemingway extra protective of his friend, honking and flapping his wings when shelter staff come to take care of the pair.
"When we go to give, have medicines or injections, Hemingway would get in between and say, 'I'm sorry that's my buddy the horse. He doesn't want a shot today,'" Linda Reider with the Bucks County SPCA told CNN affiliate WFMZ.
Hemingway is sassy and his companion Waffles is described as peppery. They are a package deal for any potential adopters.
"If you want to adopt Waffles, you have to adopt Hemingway. And if you want to adopt Hemingway, you have to adopt Waffles," Reider said.
Click here to see when the shelter's "most unique" interspecies pair will be available for adoption.

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This Charlottesville intersection was the scene of a hate crime. Now, it is a symbol of unity

Jake Van Yahres grabbed some white chalk and started working his magic at the Downtown Mall early Friday morning, trying to makeover the spot where two years ago a man drove his car into a crowd of counter protesters at a white nationalist rally, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer.
Charlottesville native and artist Van Yahres was living in San Francisco when the killing occurred, and he told CNN he remembered watching the news and feeling helpless and frustrated.

'Charlottesville isn't the hate-filled place'

Van Yahres said he was bothered by the conversations he found himself in the months after the killing.
When he told people that Charlottesville was his hometown, he said the conversation would come to a stop.
"That always bugged me, people always assume the worst of Charlottesville," he said. "Charlottesville isn't the hate-filled place that it might be associated with."
After moving back to Virginia this year, he started coming up with ideas for his artwork that would flip the narrative.
"I've been looking at that crosswalk for about a year trying to figure out what I could do with it as an artist," he said. "Like what if we could turn the message around in some way?"
Van Yahres said he thought August was the perfect time to chalk up his idea of interlaced fingers symbolizing people of different races coming together at the intersection because of the foot traffic associated with the city's "Unity Days."

Sidewalk artwork is a bookend for city's Unity Days

The City of Charlottesville has been hosting themed Unity Days from May through August to unite the community through events that educate, inspire and honor community members to move toward economic and racial justice, according to the city's website.
The pavement artwork was intended to be an exclamation mark as the city's summer-long initiative comes to an end, Van Yahres said.
As for the medium? Van Yahres said he used chalk because there's quite a bit of chalk artwork in that same area.
"I would love the opportunity to paint this permanently," he said. "I'd be happy to make this happen with whoever I need to."
CNN reached out to the City of Charlottesville for comment on the public display of art but has not heard back.
"All I'm trying to do is help out in a small way," Van Yahres said.
Van Yahres has created a number of artworks revolving around political advocacy or social injustice.

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Millions fear they will be left stateless as India publishes citizenship register

Millions of people in India's northeast state Assam could be made stateless this weekend, when they will learn whether their names have been included on a controversial registry.
The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is expected to be published Saturday. Its supporters say the registry will help root out undocumented Bangladeshi immigrants, but critics fear it will lead to the deportation of Assam's hundreds of thousands of Bengali-speaking Muslims, with claims to legal residency.
There are also concerns that the register will be used to justify religious discrimination against Muslims in the state.
Since 2015, all 33 million residents of Assam have had to prove with documentary evidence that they or their relatives were living in the state before March 24, 1971 -- the day preceding the Bangladesh Liberation War -- to be considered eligible for Indian citizenship.
Assam is the only state in India to have a citizenship register. It was created in 1951 to distinguish Indian citizens from undocumented migrants from what used to be East Pakistan, a territory that became Bangladesh in 1971. An updated NRC was ordered by the Supreme Court in 2013 and the process began in 2015.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in January: "I am here to assure everyone that no Indian citizen will be left out of the NRC. This is my assurance."
In this photo taken on August 28, 2019, security personnel stand guard at a National Register of Citizens (NRC) office ahead of the release of the register's final draft in Guwahati, the capital city of India's northeastern state of Assam.

A state of uncertainty

It is unclear what will happen to those who are left off the citizenship list, which was compiled by approving residents' ancestry documents.
But officials' comments have done little to allay residents' fears.
"We are in a state of uncertainty. The country that we love so much, when we hear that those whose names aren't there will be sent to detention camps, how is this our fault? We were born here," said 30-year-old Gobinda Nandi, a primary school teacher from Tamulpur in western Assam.
Ashutosh Agnihotri, a senior official in Assam's Home and Political Department, told CNN that no one would be sent to a detention center during the legal process.
A draft list released last year left the names of an estimated 4 million people off the register.
Anger at plan that puts 4 million at risk of losing Indian citizenship
Many of Assam's minority Bengali community have lived in India for decades, after crossing the border into the state during the bloody Bangladesh independence struggle in 1971. Many others can trace their history back even further, arriving before the independence of India in 1947.
"Nobody really knows what's going to happen after the list is published," said Shreya Munoth, a New Delhi-based lawyer who works on human and women's rights issues. Munoth said applicants can go to the Supreme Court with their appeals, but if that fails "the consequences of that have not been discussed at all."
"Does that mean deportation? Indefinite incarceration? What does it entail? That has never been discussed because it would attract too much international scrutiny which the state does not want," she said.
The Indian government has repeatedly said no one will be declared a foreigner if they are not on the list. Yet those who don't make the register have 120 days to appeal at what have ironically been called Foreigner Tribunals, set up to assess their citizenship status.
The government has said legal aid would be provided for those who need it.

'We thought we were legally Indian'

A resident holds documents on his way to check his name on the final list of National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Kuranibori village, in Assam's Morigoan district on July 30, 2018.
Some families say they were left off the draft list while their relatives were included.
Sanjay Sammanit, a private tutor in Dumuria village in Assam, said his wife was the only one of his family on last year's list. His parents, two older brothers, a younger brother and his daughter were left off.
His family has been in Assam since 1964, when his grandfather came to the state from Bangladesh, he says. "We thought we were legally Indian," he said in a phone interview.
"We were stressed because we received a notice saying that we had not submitted some of the legal documents required," he said. He is hopeful this time round, but worries about poorer families who will struggle to navigate the appeals process.
"Despite having documents, poor people have been made to go through so much. Many people in the villages are illiterate, they have to go to other people to fill up forms," said Chandan Dey, a 48-year-old shopkeeper from Dumuria, in Baksa district.
"There's lot of financial cost incurred and the places where the hearings take place can be some 50 to 150 kilometers away so you have to hire a car. People are suffering," he added.
Many like Dey say they have had trouble proving their citizenship to officials in numerous appeals hearings, despite having the required documents. He and nine other family members were left off the draft list.
"The same things are repeated again and again. We have submitted the same set of documents and they ask if we have any more. Had there been anything else, we would have brought it," he said. "We are old now. My father is on his deathbed. We are four or five generations in but still we might be foreigners? Is that logical?"
Munoth, the lawyer, said most exclusions from the NRC were happening because people didn't have the documentation.
"It's just unthinkable. If I was asked to prove my citizenship, I would be at pains to find a document that says my ancestors came to India before 1947 and this is me with my class and caste privilege and education. You can only imagine what a daily wage laborer would go through," she said.
CNN reached out to government officials in New Delhi and Assam to talk about problems with the process but has not received comment.

Immigration and Hindu nationalism

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's political opponents claim the exercise, which predated his administration by decades, is discriminatory against religious minorities.
The principal opposition Congress party said last year that it wasn't enough to allow people left off the list to file appeals. It called on Modi and his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to ensure that the process is fair -- and that it doesn't discriminate against people based on their religion, a concern voiced by many given Assam's multi-ethnic make-up.
Nazrul Islam, a 28-year-old Muslim from Assam's Baksa district, said he feels the NRC has been drawn on religious lines. He said around 40% of families in his Muslim-majority neighborhood were left off the draft list. "Our whole community is under extreme mental pressure," he said, adding that he feels his religion "has been targeted."
The registry comes amid mounting anger over illegal migration into Assam, which shares a porous border with Bangladesh. Just under two thirds of the far flung state's population is Hindu with a third being Muslim and the rest mainly Christian.
Long-standing tensions between Assam's indigenous people and the minority migrant Muslim settlers have erupted in clashes. In the biggest eruption in 1983, hundreds of people were killed in Assam by mobs intent on driving out Muslim immigrants.
Assam is the only state in India to have a citizenship register. Villagers in Assam stand in line to check their names on the first draft of NRC in 2018.
The decision to impose a state-wide register of citizens has drawn parallels with Myanmar's Rakhine State, where Rohingya Muslims -- some of whom can trace their ancestry back to Bangladesh -- have long faced persecution. In 2017, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya were forced across the border into Bangladesh as part of a targeted campaign of ethnic cleansing labeled by the UN as genocidal.
Tensions over citizenship have been brewing for decades in Assam, but became an election issue for the ruling BJP earlier this year. The party's president Amit Shah sparked outrage when he promised to rid the country of all "infiltrators" in an apparent swipe at undocumented Muslim migrants.
"We will remove every single infiltrator from the country, except Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs," Shah told supporters in West Bengal, which also borders Bangladesh, during a campaign in April. He promised to do so by implementing the National Registry of Citizens nationwide.
In addition to the NRC, a controversial India-wide Citizenship Amendment Bill introduced in 2016 would offer Indian citizenship to Hindus and other non-Muslim migrants from neighboring Muslim-majority countries of Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The BJP said it helped religious minorities fleeing persecution, but the bill's opponents insist it is anti-Muslim. It was passed in the lower house in January but failed in the upper house.
A Hindu nationalist party, the BJP has long faced accusations of anti-Muslim rhetoric, and many of the party's followers see India as a country only for Hindus -- even with its population of more than 170 million Indian Muslims.
"(The NRC is) definitely buying into what the BJP said they would do when they came into power," said Munoth. "We've had leaders come out saying it will be followed in other parts of India. In fact, we have spoken to people who say that in Muslim areas, even in Delhi, the rumors are so strong that this is going to happen, that people have started collecting documents, that Muslims are living under the fear of when this will happen in their state."

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Officials temper expectations on Afghan peace deal

Their comments come as lawmakers and stakeholders have expressed concerns about the implications such a deal could have for regional stability, national security and the progress that has been made in Afghanistan.
The US special representative for Afghanistan reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad, arrived in Doha, Qatar, last week for the latest round of discussions aimed at reaching a deal with the insurgent group and bringing about an end to America's longest-running war. Such a deal will contain agreements on troop withdrawal, counterterrorism assurances, intra-Afghan dialogue and a reduction in violence leading to a comprehensive ceasefire, Khalilzad has said. He has repeatedly noted that "nothing is agreed until everything is agreed."
A State Department spokesperson said Friday that "Khalilzad and his team continue to make progress toward an agreement with the Taliban which will achieve the President's goals and lead quickly to intra-Afghan negotiations."
"If and when we are able to announce an agreement, the process will pivot to intra-Afghan negotiations, where the Taliban will sit with other Afghans and together they will commit to a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire," they said.
US service member killed in Afghanistan
However, in the almost-year of discussions between the two sides, the Taliban have continued violent attacks against Afghan civilians and US service members have continued to lose their lives in the nearly 18-year-long war -- one as recently as Friday. A State Department spokesperson told CNN this week that any potential deal would not be based on "blind trust," but rather obligations and verification.
"The agreement we're working on is not based on trust -- it will be based on clear requirements and commitments, subject to our monitoring and verification and will be in sync with the understandings we reach (with) the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan," they said.
"We're well aware of the history of the Taliban, including the Haqqani network and its complicated history with al Qaeda, which is exactly why any deal, if one is reached, will be so stringently monitored and verified," the spokesperson said in a statement Thursday.
"Everyone should clearly understand that this administration will do whatever is necessary to protect the American people. We have the will and the capacity to enforce the terms of any agreement and to respond to violations. We will never give up our ability to protect American interests. And this includes not only the outstanding armed forces fielded by the United States and our partners, but the full array of US and partner economic, diplomatic, and political pressure," they continued.
The spokesperson said that "the Taliban understand that, should an agreement be reached, they will face severe consequences for any violation of their commitments."
President Donald Trump, who had campaigned on pulling US forces out of the country, on Thursday said he intended to withdraw more than 5,000 troops from Afghanistan -- leaving 8,600 on the ground -- "and then we make a determination from there as to what happens."
Trump says he plans to keep 8,600 troops in Afghanistan
"You have to keep a presence," he told Fox News Radio. There are approximately 14,000 service members in Afghanistan, alongside NATO troops.
A day earlier, Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he was "not using the 'withdraw' word right now."
He also noted that "it's our judgment that the Afghans need support to deal with the level of violence that is associated with the insurgency today."
Republican lawmakers, including Trump ally Lindsey Graham, have warned the President against a hasty departure from the country.
"Any deal that calls for withdrawing our forces completely from Afghanistan is a bad deal for the United States," the senator from South Carolina wrote in a Washington Post op-ed with former vice chief of staff of the US Army Jack Keane.
"History has taught that how we end a conflict is more important than how we start one. If we don't end this war properly, we won't be ending it at all. Instead, we will be creating a much worse situation for everyone except for groups such as the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State," they wrote.
Top officials, including the President, have also given voice to the possibility that a deal may not happen.
"I don't know that it's going to happen. I mean, it's getting close, but if it happens -- who knows if it's going to happen," Trump said Thursday.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, speaking in Indianapolis on Tuesday, said he doesn't "know how these efforts towards peace and reconciliation will end."
"For a year, and continuing today, we continue to work to get clear-eyed engagement with all Afghans," he said. "We don't know how these efforts towards peace and reconciliation will end, but President Trump has committed to make sure that we get it right."
Pompeo continued: "His clear guidance to me and to my military colleagues is this: We want to get our folks home as fast and in as large numbers as we can, and we want to make sure that never again is terror struck on the United States from that soil. I believe we can and will accomplish both of these."

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イランでロケット爆発か トランプ氏「米は無関係」 - 産経ニュース

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A gaming company is releasing something called "Untitled Goose Game" and people are losing their honking minds

The Australian gaming company released a honking new trailer for the game that has been in the works for three years and comes out on September 20.
And there are options. You can be a goose on your Nintendo Switch, Mac or PC and terrorize the citizens of a village.
If that doesn't loosen your feathers, you can purchase merchandise with the game's tagline and character image.
The game will be playable in 11 languages and will cost under $20.
When House House released the first look at the trailer it got more than 600,000 views, 40,000 likes, and 13,000 retweets. The company asked for name suggestions on Twitter, but ultimately decided to leave the working title.
CNN reached out to the company for comment.

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Trump's personal assistant abruptly exits White House after sharing details about President's family

Madeleine Westerhout was forced to resign as executive assistant to the President on Thursday after Trump learned she had shared information with reporters at a recent off-the-record meeting, during which she didn't say her comments were off the record, according to sources familiar with her departure. A reporter divulged details about the dinner to White House staff, the people said.
Madeleine Westerhout, Trump's gatekeeper, was known for her loyalty -- until she was pushed out
A former White House official told CNN that Trump was close with Westerhout -- whose office was directly in front of the Oval Office -- but discussing personal information about his family was a red line.
Her ouster marks yet another departure from an administration beset by a series of exits by high-ranking officials. It also underlines the President's battle against the extensive leaks out of the White House and his greater campaign against the press, and could have a chilling effect on future contacts between members of the administration and reporters.
The New York Times was the first to report Westerhout's exit. Citing a source with knowledge of her departure, The Times reported that Westerhout was considered a "separated employee" Thursday and would not be allowed to return to the White House on Friday. CNN has learned Westerhout was not in the West Wing this week due to a scheduled summer vacation, and her White House phone has already been disconnected.
A person familiar with the dinner at the Embassy Suites hotel in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey -- where reporters stay during Trump's visits -- said Westerhout and deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley attended a dinner alongside several reporters during his most recent trip. CNN was not among the news organizations represented at the dinner.
These dinners are common during the President's trips and are typically treated as off the record, as was this one.
The Point: Donald Trump turns on everyone, part 763
Westerhout's abrupt departure came as a surprise to her colleagues who had no idea about the matter, several people told CNN. She was seen as someone loyal to Trump and a true believer in his policies, sources said, though it has been reported in two books she was in tears when he won on Election Night.
Before joining the Trump administration, Westerhout served as the assistant to Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Katie Walsh, who later became a senior adviser to the Trump transition team.
In this role, Westerhout was frequently seen escorting key members of the Trump's transition team through the Trump Tower lobby.
"The President-elect wanted to make sure all of his meetings were very transparent, so it became a little bit more public than I originally thought it was going to be," she told CNN in 2016.
Westerhout was also one of six White House officials found to have violated the Hatch Act in 2018.

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