
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Theresa May faces Brexit plan votes

Welcome to Tuesday in the UK -- where it is exactly two months to go until the UK leaves the European Union.

As if the clock counting down amid continued Brexit uncertainty weren't enough... British Prime Minister Theresa May will head back to the Palace of Westminster for a day of debates that could see the Brexit process swing out of her control.

So what's happening? Lawmakers will debate and then vote on a number of potential amendments to the deal May struck with the bloc. That deal itself was resoundingly defeated exactly two weeks ago.

In essence, are they quibbling about wording? Well, sort of. The amendments -- of which there are over a dozen at this point -- cover a lot of the crunch points MPs are dissatisfied with in May's first attempt at an agreement.

One key proposal is the Brady Amendment. Seen as something of a lifeline for the prime minister, it seeks to salvage May's deal without that nagging Northern Irish backstop that so many in her party oppose.

Brexiteers despise the open-ended backstop, which means the UK could stay tied to a customs union with the EU forever. If this amendment is passed, the government could go back to Brussels to ask for a legally binding measure giving the UK the right to opt out of the backstop after a certain period of time.

(It's worth noting, though, that there is little sign removing the backstop is remotely workable with European negotiators.)

Another popular proposal with support on both sides of the House is one to extend Article 50, tabled by former Labour minister Yvette Cooper. This is essentially a play for time. Under the current schedule, the UK is set to break with the EU on March 29.

Then, out of nowhere, a surprise proposal emerged overnight -- the so-called Malthouse Compromise. In this scenario, the transition period would be extended until the end of 2021 and a new, alternative Northern Irish backstop would be negotiated with the EU -- one that would be acceptable indefinitely.

(Another word of caution: European diplomatic sources and EU officials working closely on the negotiations have told CNN the compromise doesn't adequately address the Irish border issue, and are skeptical that talks can be reopened.)

Is that it? No. There are a few other amendments that have been tabled, though that doesn't mean they will all be voted on tonight. That decision is at the discretion of House Speaker John Bercow, who will choose which proposals lawmakers will consider shortly.

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