
Monday, April 8, 2019

'Game of Thrones' is wrapping up and we have SO many questions we need answered

The HBO TV show's eighth and final season starts April 14. And we have so many — TOO MANY — questions that need answering.
Sure, the official trailer gave us peace of mind on some things: Tormund and Beric are still alive, and Ser Jorah is strong enough to fight. (Cersei, per usual, is up to no good.)
But all the major plot points remain a mystery. So here are the major questions we still have -- along with some theories about what might happen.

Will Jon Snow finally learn how messed up his family tree is?

Poor, handsome Jon Snow has no idea he's making it with his aunt.
Because maybe then he won't fall in love and sleep with Daenerys Targaryen ...ya know, his aunt. Oops, too late!
And then maybe next time he won't go around pledging allegiance to people when he's actually the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
Perhaps this monstrosity of a battle that's about to go down in Westeros could have been avoided if the former Night's Watch commander actually knew his true identity.
Jon just made too many bad decisions too soon. But if it happens to turn out Daenerys is pregnant, at least we know her fertility isn't cursed?

What about Cersei? Is she even really pregnant?

This wouldn't be the first time Cersei has fooled everyone.
Cersei is known for her evil schemes. So the current Queen of Westeros must be up to something.
Of course, she could be telling the truth about being pregnant — and lying about her brother/lover Jaime being the father.
But Jaime and Cersei weren't on the best of terms when Season Seven ended. Jaime basically told Cersei she's on her own and bounced from King's Landing.
Would Cersei pick the Throne over Jaime? Probably. We wouldn't put it past Cersei if she killed him. Or vice versa.

Will Sansa and Arya accept Daenerys, or will they be frenemies?

The Stark gals may not be ready for a blonde sister-in-law.
Oof. Sounds like another power struggle waiting to happen.
A Targaryen in Winterfell is already a controversial situation, since Targaryens burned alive the Stark sisters' grandfather and Uncle Brandon. There's also the story about Rhaegar Targaryen supposedly kidnapping their aunt, Lyanna Stark.
There are a few scenarios we could envision happening:
  • It could be just fine. Sansa and Arya are finally acting like they love each other. So they could welcome Daenerys with the same warmth for Jon's sake.
  • Or Daenerys will once again have to prove herself to a group unfamiliar of her strengths and value.
But if Daenerys plans to rule the North, with or without Jon ... well, someone might want to float the idea by the Stark girls first.

When will Brienne realize she and Tormund belong together?

"How very tall and sexy and tall you are!"
Brienne of Tarth has shown zero interest in the ginger Wildling Tormund Giantsbane. But it's clear he fancies the towering swordwoman from the looks he gives her.
And for what it's worth, they have a lot in common.
They're both fighting for the greater good. They're both highly skilled warriors. They're both independent yet loyal souls. They both have great hair.
Obviously they belong together. Make it happen!

Is Cleganebowl ever going to happen?

Hound vs. Mountain. Bring it on.
Oh gosh, we hope so.
It's the ultimate sibling rivalry and has been teased since Season One. Clegane vs. Clegane. Brother vs. brother. The Hound vs. The Mountain.
Two of the biggest, toughest brawlers in "Game of Thrones" have hated each other since they were children. They've been fighting on opposing sides and have survived this long. So we fans deserve a showdown.

Can Theon redeem himself?

We had such high hopes for him. Maybe it's not too late.
Poor Theon Greyjoy. He clinched his sorry destiny when he chose to cross the Starks, who had treated him like family.
The guy is one of the most traumatized characters on the show because of his miserable time with Ramsay Bolton. Let's not forget how he stood by for what felt like an eternity while Ramsay tortured poor Sansa. And how he leaped off a ship instead of trying to save Yara, his sister.
It can't get any worse for Theon, can it? If he somehow returns to rescue Yara we might forgive him.

Will Ghost ever return to Jon?

Jon Snow misses his lost puppy.
The Stark family has a close relationship with their direwolves. It's on their house sigil, and each Stark kid claimed a wolf pup for themselves.
Some of those wolves didn't to make it to the season finale (RIP Lady, Grey Wind, Summer and Shaggydog.)
Arya was briefly reunited with her now-wild wolf, Nymeria, in the Riverlands.
But good news for Jon Snow! His direwolf Ghost is also still alive!
Or at least we think so.
We didn't see Ghost in Season Seven. But now that Jon is back at Winterfell, will Ghost find his way home? We hope so.

Who is this Night King, anyway?

This character has probably caused us more anguish than the cruelty of Joffrey and Ramsay combined.
It may be our No. 1 question.
We know he was a First Man and the first-ever White Walker. We know the Children of the Forest created him after stabbing him in the chest with a dragonglass dagger.
We also know he's now the leader of a massive undead army that's breached the Wall and is bringing the epic battle "Game of Throne" fans have been waiting for to Winterfell.
But the show has yet to tell us who this guy was before he became an ice-cold killer.
We've been seeing him since Season Four. We deserve a name. (Just don't say that it's Bran Stark. We can't handle that crazy theory that the Night King is Bran.)

Can you fight an undead dragon with a very alive dragon?

We all should hope red dragon fire trumps blue dragon fire.
Is one stronger than the other? Or are their blue and red fiery breaths equally as powerful?
And then there's the question of dragonblood. Since you need dragonblood to make dragonglass, shouldn't a living dragon be able to take down an undead one?
We foresee an epic dragon battle ahead. And we're calling all dragon experts to help us out on this one.

Will someone actually sit on this cursed Iron Throne at the end?

We get it. It's a big chair that everyone wants.
Or is everyone just going to die?
It's a valid question. Tons of characters have died over the last seven seasons. And it's safe to say many more will die.
It even might be worth taking bets on which major character will die first. (Take Euron, please.)
So who will be left perched on the Throne at the show's end? A pairing of Daenerys & Jon (Jaenerys?) just seems too ... perfect. Cersei is too evil. The Night King? Ugh, too depressing.
If you want to visualize all the possibilities, check out your favorite characters on the Throne here. King Hound, haha!
Our guess is that whoever it is, it'll be something of a surprise.

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